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Studies on Improving Measurement Sensitivity of HONO Based on Second Harmonic Wavelength Modulation Technology


文摘 亚硝酸是大气清道夫OH自由基的主要来源之一,其对大气氧化潜力的影响是近年来大气光物理化学研究的热点。但是亚硝酸在大气中的浓度非常低,且具有易反应性、可溶性和光解性,实时准确测量大气中的亚硝酸一直是一个难点。采用中红外1255 cm~(-1)室温连续量子级联激光器开展对痕量亚硝酸气体的探测方法研究,利用波长调制和谐波探测技术,将系统由原来在1 s积分时间内采用直接吸收方法的测量灵敏度6.95μg/m~3提高到0.84 μg/m~3。通过艾伦方差分析系统的噪声特性,得到系统的最佳积分时间为100 s,相应的探测限为0.34 μg/m~3。利用该系统对实验室空气中的亚硝酸气体含量进行检测,证明该系统可以满足实际大气观测对检测限的要求。
其他语种文摘 Nitrous acid is one of the major sources of atmospheric cleaner OH radical, and its impact on the atmospheric oxidation potential is the hotspot of the atmospheric physical chemistry research in recent years. However, due to the low concentration of nitrous acid in the atmosphere, and its reactivity, solubility and photolysis, real-time accurate measurement of nitrous acid is very difficult. The results of trace HONO detection using wavelength modulation technology based on the 1255 cm~(-1) room-temperature continuous wave quantum cascade laser are reported, the minimum detectable HONO concentration of 6.95 μg/m~3 which is detected by direct absorption method reaches up to 0.84 μg/m~3 in 1 s integrated time. The optimal integrated time of the system can reach 100 s by Allan variance analysis, the corresponding time detection limit is 0.34 μg/m~3. HONO in the air of the laboratory is successfully detected using this system, which proves that the system can satisfy the requirements of detection limit for the actual atmospheric measurement.
来源 光学学报 ,2015,35(6):0630006-1-0630006-8 【核心库】
DOI 10.3788/AOS201535.0630006
关键词 光谱学 ; 量子级联激光器 ; 波长调制 ; 亚硝酸 ; 中红外

中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所, 安徽省光子器件与材料重点实验室, 安徽, 合肥, 230031

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0253-2239
学科 物理学
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金 ;  中国科学院科研装备研制项目 ;  国家教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:5456957

参考文献 共 22 共2页

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