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Analysis and Implementation of the Skylight Polarization Autonomous Positioning Method


程珍 1   梅涛 1   梁华为 2   王道斌 1  
文摘 针对目前利用天空偏振光信息进行导航,仅能提供方向信息实现相对路径定位,而不能获取载体的经纬度信息实现绝对定位的问题,在前期工作中,作者提出了一种基于天空偏振光、地球与太阳相对位置关系的自定位方法。本文中,作者设计搭建了由天空偏振角测量装置、OCTANS惯导组成的实验平台,对该方法的可行性进行验证分析。实验结果表明,该定位方法能够实时的获取相对可靠的地理位置,且经纬度误差均值分别为-0.149°和0.418°。与GPS定位系统相比,虽然定位精度有待于进一步提高,但可作为GPS失效时的有效补充定位手段。
其他语种文摘 As the skylight polarization navigation at present is based on dead reckoning which can only provide orientation information to navigate but not the geographic position of the observer, an autonomous positioning method based on skylight polarization, and the relative relationship between the earth and the sun was proposed by the author through the previous work. An experiment platform which consists of a three-camera skylight polarization angle measuring module, an OCTANS INS module and an ephemeris inquiring module are presented, as well as a basic verification experiment of the autonomous positioning method is carried out. The experiment result shows that the positioning system is able to provide a relative reliable longitude and latitude of the vehicle real-time, which validates the feasibility of the positioning method. Although the experiment platform provides a latitude error of 0.418° and a longitude error of -0.149° in average which is larger than GPS, it still could be a back-up positioning system when the GPS signal is out of service.
来源 光电工程 ,2015,42(6):33-38 【核心库】
DOI 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501x.2015.06.006
关键词 天空偏振光导航 ; 自主定位 ; 仿生导航 ; 导航定位

1. 中国科学技术大学自动化系, 合肥, 230027  

2. 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院应用技术研究所, 合肥, 230027

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1003-501X
学科 航天(宇宙航行)
基金 国家973计划 ;  国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:5449000

参考文献 共 12 共1页

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