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Effects of Temperature and Strain Rate on Tensile Properties of TWIP Steel


张俊平 1   段先锋 2   史子木 1   韩福生 2  
文摘 通过拉伸试验研究了温度和应变速率对孪生诱发塑性(TWIP)钢拉伸性能的影响。结果表明:随着温度升高,TWIP钢的强度逐渐下降,断后伸长率逐渐增加,应变硬化指数随真应变增加达到并维持在较高的水平,试验钢的均匀变形能力得到提高,宏观塑性增加;随应变速率增大,试验钢的流变应力升高,断后伸长率下降,抗拉强度基本保持不变,应变硬化率曲线上的平台区长度明显变短,这表明孪生受到抑制,较早达到硬化极值;应变硬化指数峰值随应变速率的增大而减小, TWIP钢的均匀变形能力及宏观塑性下降。
其他语种文摘 The effects of temperature and strain rate on tensile properties of twining induced plasticity (TWIP) steel were investigated by tensile test. The results show that the strength gradually decreased and the plasticity gradually increased with the increase of the temperature, the strain hardening exponent reached and stayed at a relatively high level with the development of true strain, suggesting that the uniform deformation capability of TWIP steel was enhanced, which led to its global plasticity increase. With the increase of the strain rate, the flow stress increased and the plasticity decreased, but the tensile strength kept almost unchanged. The plateau zone in the strain hardening rate curve was obviously shortened, meaning that the twinning was suppressed and the maximum strain hardening rate was reached at a smaller strain. Moreover, the peak value of strain hardening exponent, the uniform deformation ability and the global plasticity dropped with the increase of the strain rate.
来源 机械工程材料 ,2015,39(5):4-9 【扩展库】
关键词 孪生诱发塑性(TWIP)钢 ; 孪晶 ; 应变硬化 ; 应变速率 ; 拉伸性能 ; 晶粒取向

1. 浙江工贸职业技术学院, 温州, 325003  

2. 中国科学院固体物理研究所, 合肥, 230031

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-3738
学科 金属学与金属工艺
文献收藏号 CSCD:5419865

参考文献 共 14 共1页

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