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Geochemical characteristics of Paleozoic strata and its restriction on depositional environment in Altay orogen, north Xinjiang, China


文摘 对阿尔泰造山带古生代地层的地球化学研究表明, 浅变质碎屑岩的原岩多为泥砂质沉积岩, 包含少量来自火成岩或火山岩物质。样品的成分变异指数(ICV)值分布于0.83~1.61之间, 绝大部分大于1.0, 表明碎屑岩的成熟度较差, 代表活动大陆边缘的首次沉积的产物。化学蚀变指数(CIA)值分布于50~82之间, 其中石炭纪库马苏组以高CIA 值(71~79)为特征, 指示源区物质可能经历了温暖-炎热、湿润-潮湿条件下的中等-强烈化学风化作用, 而哈巴河群、库鲁姆提群、康布铁堡组、阿勒泰组和红山嘴组显示低的CIA 值(50~70),指示源区物质经历了相对寒冷、干燥的条件下的弱的化学风化作用。古生代地层中(Fe_2O_3~T+MgO)、TiO_2含量以及Al_2O_3/SiO_2、K_2O/Na_2O、Al_2O_3/(CaO+Na_2O)值, 稀土元素La、Ce 含量以及微量元素Th/Sc、La/Sc 值显示, 哈巴河群、库鲁姆提群、康布铁堡组、阿勒泰组碎屑沉积岩主体形成于大陆岛弧背景, 库马苏组、红山嘴组沉积与大陆岛弧-活动大陆边缘具有成因联系。以上地球化学特征表明, 阿尔泰古生代碎屑岩可能沉积于活动大陆边缘的大陆岛弧相关环境, 为阿尔泰古生代多块体增生构造演化模式提供依据。
其他语种文摘 The geochemical studies of Paleozoic strata in the Altai orogen show that the protolith of the low-grade metamorphosed clastic rocks are mainly pelitic-arenaceous sedimentary rocks and igneous or volcanic rocks, in a small amount. The Index of Composition Variation (ICV) of our samples is in the range of 0.83–1.61, mostly over 1.0, indicating poor maturity, which may be the product of the first deposition in active continental margin. The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) is in the range of 50–82. The CIA of Carboniferous Kumasu group characterized by high ratios (71–79), indicating the source material may have experienced a moderate-intense chemical weathering in warm-hot, humid-moist condition, whereas that of Habahe group, Kulumuti group, Kangbutiebao group, Altay group and Hongshanzui group is low (50–70), indicating the source material has undergone relatively weak chemical weathering in cold, dry condition. According to the contents of (Fe_2O_3~T+MgO), TiO_2, La, Ce and rations of Al_2O_3/SiO_2, K_2O/Na_2O, Al_2O_3/(CaO + Na_2O), Th/Sc, La/Sc, the clastic sedimentary rocks of Habahe, Kulumuti, Kangbutiebao and Altay Groups are formed in the continental island arc settings, whereas that of Kumasu and Hongshanzui Groups have a genetic link with continental island arc-active continental margin. The above geochemical characteristics suggest a sedimentary environment related to continental island arcs for the Paleozoic clastic rocks in the Altai orogen, and provide the basic evidences for the tectonic evolution mode of multi-block amalgamation for the Altai orogen in the Paleozoic era.
来源 地球化学 ,2015,44(1):43-60 【核心库】
关键词 地球化学 ; 原岩恢复 ; 源区特征 ; 沉积环境 ; 古生代地层 ; 阿尔泰造山带

中国科学院地球化学研究所, 贵州, 贵阳, 550002

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0379-1726
学科 地质学
基金 新疆有色金属工业集团地质科研项目 ;  国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:5334598

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2 黄永胜 新疆阿尔泰二叠纪、三叠纪伟晶岩侵位深度研究:来自流体包裹体的指示 矿物学报,2016,36(4):571-585
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1. 福建紫金山岩石学数据(~105 Ma)

2. 内蒙古中部地区古生代沉积岩的地球化学数据集

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