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Electron Transfer Mediators in Microbial Electrochemical Systems


刘利丹 1   肖勇 2 *   吴义诚 2   陈必链 1 *   赵峰 2  
文摘 电化学活性微生物与电极之间的胞外电子传递在微生物电化学系统(microbial electrochemical systems, MESs)产能、生物修复等功能的实现中起着关键作用。目前,研究者对微生物胞外电子传递机理了解有限,限制了 MESs 的应用。相比于需要微生物功能蛋白与电极接触才能发生的直接电子传递,间接电子传递可通过具有可逆氧化还原活性的电子中介体(electron transfer mediators,ETMs)实现电子的传递,从而有效提高微生物胞外电子传递效率。在间接电子转移过程中,ETMs 起着中间电子受体和中间电子供体的作用,即被还原后可将电子传递给最终电子受体并被重新还原;理论上每个ETMs 分子可以循环数千次,因此ETMs 对特定环境下终端氧化物(如铁离子)的循环有着极其显著的作用。本文系统总结了MESs 中ETMs 及间接电子传递机制近年来的研究进展,并且在此基础上探讨了ETMs 在MESs 中的研究趋势,以期推动MESs 在生物修复、能源生产方面的实际应用。
其他语种文摘 Extracellular electron transfer (EET) between electrochemically active microorganisms and electrodes plays a key role in microbial electrochemical systems (MESs) functioning of energy generation,bioremediation, etc. At present,researchers have a very limited understanding of the mechanism of EET,which is one of the major bottlenecks in application of MESs. Compared with direct electron transfer which requires a direct contact between microbial functional proteins and electrode,mediated electron transfer use electron transfer mediators (ETMs) which have reversible redox activities accompanies by high-efficiency EET for transporting electrons. ETMs serve as the middle electron acceptor,once reduced,can transfer electrons to terminal electron acceptor where upon it becomes re-oxidized. In principle,ETMs molecules could cycle thousands of times,thus,have a significant effect on the turnover of the terminal oxidant (e. g. iron) in certain circumstances. This review summarizes the recent advances of EET mechanisms with focus on mediated EET in MESs. Furthermore,we have highlighted the research trends of ETMs in MES,which will promote the practical applications of MESs in bioremediation,energy generation and so on.
来源 化学进展 ,2014,26(11):1859-1866 【核心库】
DOI 10.7536/pc140740
关键词 微生物电化学系统 ; 胞外电子传递 ; 间接电子传递 ; 电子中介体 ; 吩嗪 ; 核黄素

1. 福建师范大学生命科学学院, 福州, 350108  

2. 中国科学院城市环境研究所, 厦门, 361021

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1005-281X
学科 化学;环境科学基础理论
文献收藏号 CSCD:5274435

参考文献 共 105 共6页

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