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The origin and evolution of the Moon and its geological mapping


文摘 按照大碰撞假说,月球形成于一次大碰撞事件,抛射出的高能量物质留在绕地轨道上,最后吸积形成月球。月球核幔在早期迅速发生分离,并出现全球性的岩浆熔融,形成了岩浆圈层 (岩浆洋) 。岩浆洋的结晶分异和固化导致了月壳的形成。随着月壳与月幔发生持续分异,形成了固化的月壳。而在月球后期的演化历史中,撞击作用是最重要的地质作用,形成了多尺度、多期次的撞击盆地和撞击坑,而大型撞击盆地多形成于月球演化的早期。月球地质图是开展月球形成与演化研究的重要手段,从20世纪60年代起,到70年代末止,通过对阿波罗时代探月成果的系统总结,完成了第一轮月球地质图的研制。但尽管从20世纪90年代以来国际月球探测和月球科学的研究进入一个新的高潮,获得了大量有关月球形成和演化的新认识,但还没有正式的新的月球地质图发布,因此开展新一轮月球地质图的编研,系统总结后阿波罗时代的月球探测与研究成果,是非常必要和迫切的。在新一轮月球地质图的编制过程中,需重点关注图件比例尺的选择、月面历史的划分以及月球构造和岩石建造的表达。
其他语种文摘 According to the Giant Impact hypothesis, the Moon was born from a great impact event, during which the ejected material was splashed to the earth orbit and then accreted to form the Moon. The original lunar core and mantle differentiated rapidly, and the global molten magma resulted in the formation of the lunar magma ocean, which evolved into the lunar crust by crystallization differentiation and solidification. The impact event was the most important geological process in the following lunar history, and a large number of craters and basins of different sizes came into being in different periods. Especially, the greatest basins were all produced in the early history of the Moon. Lunar map is an important tool to study the origin and evolution of the Moon. The first series of lunar maps were completed during 1960s to 1970s, which summarized the achievements in the Apollo age. The second lunar exploration upsurge started from 1990s, and a large number of new findings about the lunar origin and evolution have been discovered. However, never has a lunar geological map been published. This condition makes it very urgent to carry out a new lunar mapping plan to conclude the exploration and study results in the post-Apollo age. In this lunar mapping plan, much more attention should be paid to the scale, the subdivisions of lunar geochronology, and the expression of lunar tectonic and geological formation.
来源 地学前缘 ,2014,21(6):1-6 【核心库】
DOI 10.13745/j.esf.2014.06.001
关键词 月球 ; 形成与演化 ; 月球地质图

中国科学院地球化学研究所月球与行星科学研究中心, 贵州, 贵阳, 550002

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1005-2321
学科 天文学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  中国科学院地球化学研究所领域前沿课题项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5271362

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