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Characteristics and Potential Sources of Nitrate Pollution in Groundwater and River Water in the Dianchi Lake Basin


黄强盛 1   李清光 2   卢玮琦 1   杨伟红 3   王仕禄 1 *  
文摘 为了揭示滇池NO_3~- 的污染来源和污染途径,本次研究在滇池流域不同地区收集了14个地下水和35个河水样品,进行了水化学及氮同位素分析。结果显示,滇池流域河水NO_3~- 浓度在0.01~45.92mg/L之间,地下水NO_3~- 浓度在0.05~ 99.52 mg/L之间。NO_3~- 浓度较高的区域,集中在流域城镇居民区(41.41±39.32mg/L)和昆明市主城区(19.91±15.02 mg/L)。林地泉水、盘龙江上游以及流域东、南部河水NO_3~- 浓度较低,污染较轻。δ~(15) N-NO_3~- 值显示,流域居民区地下水(+ 9.9‰~+27.8‰)与主城区河水(+3.2‰~+32.1‰)中NO_3~-- 的主要来源是生活污水,流域东、南面河水(+4.4‰~+7.2‰)NO_3~- 污染源以化肥为主。林地泉水与盘龙江上游河水δ~(15)N-NO_3~- 值均小于+10‰,大气沉降是人为N的主要来源。耕地地下水δ~(15)N-NO_3~- 值变化范围较宽(+5.5‰~+23.7‰),NO_3~- 浓度高(45.77±40.91mg/L),受农业生产的影响强烈,人畜粪便、化肥肥料、大气沉降都是氮的输入源。
其他语种文摘 To assess nitrate pollution and identify its potential sources,groundwater and river water were sampled in the Dianchi Lake Basin,China.Water chemistry and nitrogen isotopes were determined for the samples.The results showed the concentrations of NO_3~- in the groundwater and river water range from 0.05 to 99.52 mg/L and from 0.01 to 45.92 mg/L,respectively. The high NO_3~- concentrations often occur in the residential area(41.41±39.32mg/L,n=8) and Kunming City (19.91± 15.02 mg/L,n=24), and the low NO_3~- concentrations appear in the spring water in woodland spring and in the upstream water of the Panlongjiang River,as well as in the streams in the southern and eastern areas of the watershed.The nitrogen isotopic compositions showed that NO_3~- in the groundwater in residential areas(+9.9‰~+27.8‰)and in the river water in Kunming City(+3.2‰~+32.1‰)originates mainly from domestic sewage.NO_3~- pollution in the river water in the southern and eastern parts of the drainage basin is derived from chemical fertilizers.The low δ~(15)N-NO_3~- values (+10‰) occurring in the woodland spring and upstream water of the Panlongjiang River indicated that atmospheric deposit is the main source of anthropogenic N.With a large range of δ~(15)N-NO_3~- values(+5.5‰~+23.7‰)and higher concentrations of nitrate(45.77±40.91 mg/L),nitrate in groundwater in the cultivated land is mainly derived from human and animal wastes,chemical fertilizers and atmospheric deposits.
来源 地球与环境 ,2014,42(5):589-596 【核心库】
关键词 滇池流域 ; 硝态氮 ; 水化学 ; 氮同位素

1. 中国科学院地球化学研究所, 环境地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵阳, 550002  

2. 中国科学院研究生院, 北京, 100039  

3. 国土资源部中央地质勘查基金管理中心, 100812

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1672-9250
学科 环境科学基础理论
基金 国家重大科学研究计划
文献收藏号 CSCD:5267602

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