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Analysis of the fire safety control and warranty system of the gas stations in the well-established urban areas


王霁 1   韩宝玲 2   陈阵 3  
文摘 以城市建成区内的二级、三级加油站为研究对象,应用G·M Lake Hoff计算方法和池火灾计算方法确定了加油站的火灾爆炸事故危害范围,得到其安全距离分别为13.4 m和11.3 m。提出了对防火间距不足的加油站进行整改时,要考虑城市油品供需关系,采取不同的措施,以达到既安全又便利的目的。并以哈尔滨市建成区为例,介绍了加油站防火安全布局分析方法的具体运用过程。
其他语种文摘 This paper aims to provide the results of our analysis of the fire and explosion hazard probability of the second and third level gas stations in downtown areas by using the G·M Lake Hoff method. While analyzing the explosion scenarios and the damages the fire and explosion results have brought about, we have adopted the pool fire method in our case study samples witha detailed discussion of the heat radiation destruction consequences, with the two kinds of gasoline tanks, 50 m~3 and 30 m~3, being considered. We have alsoworked out the actual safety distance from the storage tanks of the second and third level gas stations, which should be 13.4 m and 11.3 m, respectively. Theresults of our analysis can be taken as the reference to checking whether the safety distance of the gas station is enough. For example, to meet the needs bothof safety and convenience, measures are recommended to be taken to rectify and reform the hazard gas stations through studying the relationship between the gassupply and its demand. If the supply exceeds the demand, the gas stations should be downgraded or canceled or moved to the more appropriate locations in a safety distance. However, if the supply is not enough for the local residence, strict fire and explosion preventive measures should be taken to get rid of any likely fire and explosion accidents. While illustrating the process of the fire safety liabilities, we have taken the gas station distribution in Harbin for example.The result of our investigation and analysis has made us know that 23 percent of gas stations fail to meet the safety distance requirement. Actually, the demand quantity has now been and will be even in the next 10 years remaining much less than that the stations already in business now. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce and even cancel some gas stations which prove not to be in real need so as to ensure the safety and security of the residence and buildings around them. And, therefore, we have pointed out in this paper that measures are to be taken to regulate and rectify the relationship between the supply and demand of the fuel gas. If such measures can be taken successfully, great improvement can beseen with the fire and explosion safety distance in comparison with the currentsituation. Thus, we believe that the new method we have proposed will be provedmore humane and rational in line with the actual needs for healthy development and expansion of urban living communities.
来源 安全与环境学报 ,2014,14(4):45-48 【核心库】
关键词 安全工程 ; 城市建成区 ; 防火安全距离 ; 加油站 ; 供需平衡 ; 布局分析

1. 中国人民武装警察部队学院消防工程系, 河北, 廊坊, 065000  

2. 黑龙江消防总队, 哈尔滨, 150010  

3. 中国科学院力学研究所, 北京, 100190

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1009-6094
学科 安全科学
文献收藏号 CSCD:5241748

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