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Spatial differentiation and influencing factors of rural territorial multifunctions in developed regions: A case study of Jiangsu Province


文摘 随着经济社会发展和土地利用格局变化,乡村地域功能和发展定位的多元化和空间差异特征日益明显。以经济发达的江苏省为例,采用定量化价值评价方法,研究县域尺度乡村地域生态保育、农业生产、工业发展和社会保障功能的空间差异,识别各县市区主导功能类型,揭示不同类型乡村地域功能的影响因素。结果表明:乡村地域多功能特征明显,工业发展功能占据主导;4类乡村地域功能空间集聚程度均较低,生态保育功能高值区集中于沿湖、沿海或苏南山丘地区,农业生产功能集中于苏北和苏中,工业发展功能以苏南最强,社会保障功能则集中于市辖区及其临近市县;乡村地域功能组合类型多样,共可分为9种;4类乡村地域功能的影响因素存在较大差异,自然地理、空间区位、经济社会发展等因素的影响在强度和影响方向上明显不同。研究可为针对性地定位乡村功能和发展导向、增强县域乡村功能特色和竞争力提供参考依据。
其他语种文摘 With the rapid economic development, social progress, and land use change in rural regions, rural territorial function and development orientation show more significant spatial differentiation and diversification. Using the well-developed Jiangsu province as a case, this paper quantitatively identified and calculated four rural territorial functions at county level, i.e., ecological conservation, agricultural production, industrial development and social security. Subsequently, the influencing factors of spatial differentiation on rural territorial functions for 63 regional units were analyzed; the dominated functions of each spatial unit were also identified. According to the case study, the multifunctional feature of rural territorial function was evident, however the function of industrial development was of significant dominance accompanying with the increase of dominant degree from northern to southern in Jiangsu province. The spatial agglomeration degrees of four rural territorial functions were low with variant agglomerative areas, that was, ecological conservation function was mainly distributed at coastal, surrounding lake and mountain areas, agricultural production function was mainly found in the northern and central parts, the industrial development function was predominately in the southern part, social security function which had the lowest spatial agglomeration was obviously distributed in municipal districts and their surrounding counties rather than other counties. The functional combinations of the 63 regional units were diversified and nine functional types were identified. Results of influencing factors analysis indicated that the natural geographical characteristics, spatial location, and economic development were the main influencing factors of differentiation on rural territorial functions, but their effects were of different intensities and directions for the spatial differentiation of four rural territorial functions. Specifically, the industry development function was mainly affected by road density, location advantage, FDI, GDP and floating population from other places; most factors were negatively related with the agricultural production function except the areas of important ecological function zones and cultivated lands; the relationships between the ecological conservation function and influencing factors were complicated, in which some more developed counties also had higher ecological conservation function; the social security function had very weak relationships with influencing factors owing to its complexity. This paper provided a scientific reference for identifying the rural development orientation, promoting the differential development, enhancing the characteristics and competitiveness of different counties; meanwhile, it was a meaningful supplement for the research of Major Function Oriented Zoning and related studies about territorial function.
来源 地理学报 ,2014,69(6):797-807 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201406007
关键词 乡村地域功能 ; 空间分异 ; 影响因素 ; 江苏省

中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京, 210008

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目 ;  中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所“一三五”重点项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5188483

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