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Reliability and Validity of the Lam Assessment of Employment Readiness for Injured Workers


徐艳文 1   罗筱媛 2 *   卢讯文 1   Lam Chow S 3  
文摘 目的测量林氏就业准备量表(LASER)普通话版本的信度和效度。同时观察重返工作岗位信心对于不同就业准备阶段的影响。方法共85例四肢骨折的受伤工人参与本次研究。资料收集主要通过面谈的方式获得。信度测试包括重测信度和内部一致性测试。效度检验主要通过因子分析方法解释结构效度。重返工作岗位信心对于不同阶段受伤工人就业准备的影响采用方差分析。结果主成分分析法提取到4个因子。重测组内相关系数(ICC)为0.27~0.89,而4个阶段的内部一致性为0.691~0.796。重返工作岗位信心的强弱与不同准备阶段有较大的关系。结论LASER普通话版本的结构效度能反映受伤工人重返工作岗位的准备过程。部分条目信度较低,该版本需要在进一步修改后才能使用。
其他语种文摘 Objective To measure the reliability and validity of the Lam Assessment of Stages of Employment Readiness (LASER) Putonghua version for injured workers, and observe the confidence of return to work on different preparation stages. Methods 85 injured workers with limb fractures were included. The data was obtained through face-to-face structured interview. The test-retest reliability and internal consistency were measured. Factor analysis was used to examine construct validity of the Putonghua version LASER. Results Principle component analysis extracted four factors, which was consistent with the original version of LASER. Intra- class correlation coefficient(ICC) of test-retest ranged 0.27~0.89, whereas the internal consistence among these 4 stages ranged 0.691~0.796. There were significantly differences in confident scores in different stages among 3 different confidence groups. Conclusion The structure validity of Putonghua version of LASER is useful for reflecting the readiness of injured workers' return to work. However, the reliability coefficient is rather low in some of the items, which could be resulted in incorrect judgment of readiness of return to work of injured workers. The further study on items correction and development is apparent.
来源 中国康复理论与实践 ,2014,20(6):592-596 【扩展库】
关键词 阶段转变模型 ; 受伤工人 ; 重返工作岗位 ; 职业康复

1. 广东省工伤康复医院职业康复研究中心, 广东, 广州, 510440  

2. 广东省工伤康复医院社会康复科  

3. Institute of Psychology, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA, Illinois

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1006-9771
学科 临床医学
基金 广东省医学科学技术研究基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:5172644

参考文献 共 11 共1页

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