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Fabrication and Application of Photoelectrochemical Sensor


孙兵   艾仕云 *  
文摘 光电化学分析是基于光电化学过程和化学/生物识别过程建立起来的一种新的分析方法。该方法以光作为激发信号,以光电流作为检测信号,具有灵敏度高、响应快速、设备简单和易微型化等优点,在生物和环境等分析领域受到了广泛关注。电极表面修饰的光电层在吸收光子后被激发,所产生的载流子发生电荷分离和电子迁移,进而产生光电流。通过在光电层上进一步修饰传感识别单元,利用直接氧化还原、分子识别与结合、酶催化等方法所导致的光电流的变化与待测分子之间的数量关系,可实现对目标物的定量分析。因此,光电化学传感器在功能结构上包括光电转换单元和传感识别单元两部分,光电层的材料选择和传感识别策略是光电化学传感器构建的两大关键点。本文在对光电化学传感器基本原理及应用领域总结的基础上,对光电化学传感器的材料选择和传感模式进行了分析和综述。
其他语种文摘 Photoelectrochemical sensor is a dynamically developed and promising analytical method,based on the photoelectrochemical process and chemical or biological probing recognition. Benefitting from the separation of the excitation source (light) and electrochemical detection signal (photocurrent),the photoelectrochemical sensor possesses many intrinsic advantages,such as higher sensitivity with low background signals,simpler and low-cost instruments,and inherent miniaturization. It has received an increasing attention and shows an extensive application potential in rapid and high-throughput biological and chemical assays. Under light irradiation,the photocurrent is recorded on the basis of the electron transfer among the photoelectrochemical materials in excited state,electrode surface,and electrolyte. Depending on the photocurrent change resulting from the interactions between various sensing elements and their target analytes,the quantitative photocurrent-analyte relationship is obtained. There are two key portions in the development of photoelectrochemical sensor: the fabrication of the photosensitive layer and the assembly of the molecular recognition layer at the transducer surface. The design and fabrication of photosensitizer,deriving from photoelectrochemically active species and the exploitation of exquisite sensing mechanisms are of extreme importance in the achievements of acceptable sensitivity. In this paper,the sensing principle of photoelectrochemical sensor,lasted applications,design and fabrication of photosensitizer and developments of sensing strategies are reviewed.
来源 化学进展 ,2014,26(5):834-845 【核心库】
DOI 10.7536/pc131014
关键词 光电化学分析 ; 光电化学传感器 ; 光电化学活性材料 ; 光电流 ; 传感模式

山东农业大学化学与材料科学学院, 泰安, 271018

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1005-281X
学科 化学;自动化技术、计算机技术
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5160911

参考文献 共 148 共8页

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