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Advances in Plasticity Theory for Amorphous Alloys


文摘 非晶合金是一类兼具玻璃和金属双重特性的新型材料,具有一系列优异的力学、物理和化学性能,已经在国防、空天等领域显示出广阔的应用前景。非晶合金内部原子排列长程无序、短程有序,没有位错、晶界等传统意义上的晶体缺陷。因此,基于位错、孪生等微观机制的经典塑性理论在描述这类材料的塑性行为时遇到了极大的挑战。目前普遍认为,非晶合金宏观塑性流动是微观动态“流动事件”时空演化的结果。但是,对于“流动事件”的认知还很不清楚。主要介绍了目前几种代表性的非晶塑性流动理论:自由体积理论、剪切转变理论、剪切转变区理论以及协同剪切模型,并对非晶塑性流动的结构起源以及局部化剪切带机理进行了评述,最后简要展望了非晶塑性机理发展的几个问题。
其他语种文摘 Amorphous alloys represent a class of new materials with both glassy structure and atomic bonding, possessing a series of excellent mechanical, physical and chemical properties and thus showing widely potential applications in fields of defense and aerospace projects. Atomic packing is long-range disordered, but short-range ordered in amorphous alloy, without traditional crystalline defects such as dislocations and grain boundaries. Therefore, the classical theory of plasticity based on dislocations and twins poses a great challenge to describe the plasticity of amorphous alloys. It has been well accepted that macroscopic plastic flow of amorphous alloys is a result of the spatiotemporal evolution of microscopic dynamic "flow event", though it is still unclear. In this paper, we briefly review several representative theories for amorphous plasticity including free volume theory, shear transformation theory, shear transformation zone theory and cooperative shear model. In addition, the possible structural origin of amorphous plasticity and our recent advances in understanding the plastic flow localization into shear-bands are reviewed. Finally, we identify a number of important points that deserve further investigation in this field.
来源 中国材料进展 ,2014,33(5):257-264 【扩展库】
DOI 10.7502/j.issn.1674-3962.2014.05.01
关键词 非晶合金 ; 塑性流动 ; 塑性理论 ; 流动局部化

中国科学院力学研究所, 非线性力学国家重点实验室, 北京, 100190

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1674-3962
学科 金属学与金属工艺
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5160507

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