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Phases and periodic changes of water discharge and sediment load from the Yellow River to the Bohai Sea during 1950-2011


文摘 以1950-2011年黄河利津站实测水沙资料为基础,利用突变分析和有序聚类分析方法对60年来黄河入海水沙通量变化过程进行了阶段性划分,并利用功率谱、交叉谱和小波分析方法对同期黄河入海水沙通量的多尺度周期性变化特征进行了分析。研究结果表明,1985年为利津站水沙通量显著变化的时间分界点,此后利津站的径流量和输沙量的各种尺度变化都呈现出明显的减弱趋势。入海径流量和输沙量在时间尺度上分别在2.86a、4.44a 和13.33a 存在显著相关关系。黄河入海水沙通量变化的阶段性特征受流域的降水以及人类活动尤其是水库建设、干流引水、水土保持等工程措施的影响,进入80年代后受人类活动影响越来越大。西太平洋副热带高压的准两年周期振荡和年代际振荡、降水的周期性、太阳活动的年代际周期是影响黄河入海水沙通量周期性变化的重要因素,使得黄河入海水沙通量的周期性变化集中在年代际变化和年际变化上。黄河入海水沙通量的阶段性递变除受年代际尺度周期性变化控制外,还与人类活动的干扰有着密切的关系。
其他语种文摘 On the basis of situ data observed at Lijin station from 1950 to 2011, the regional differences and abrupt changes of water discharge and sediment load are divided into different phases using the methods of Mann- Kendall test and order clustering. The abrupt change of water discharge and sediment load existed at Lijin station in 1985, and discharge and sediment decreased insignificantly from 1985 to 2011. The characteristics of the periodicities of water discharge and sediment load from the Yellow River estuary are studied by using power- spectrum, cross- spectrum and wavelet analysis. The periodic oscillations of water discharge and sediment load from the Yellow River are found at inter-annual scale and decadal scale. The significant correlation coefficients between two datasets occur at the scales of 2.86a, 4.44a and 13.33a. The phase characteristics of water discharge and sediment load are related to the precipitation and human activities; after the 1980s the decreases are mainly induced by human activities, especially due to the use of the reservoirs, water diversion and engineering projects related with soil and water conservation. Moreover, the inter-annual and decadal fluctuation of water discharge and sediment load from the Yellow River are caused directly by the oscillation of the precipitation at the drainage basin, and the rudimentary mechanism of multi- scale fluctuations are due to the northwest Pacific subtropical high, whose location oscillates in inter- annual and decadal periods, as well as sun spot and precipitation,. The decadal scale periodic oscillation of water discharge and sediment load from the Yellow River cause abrupt changes. The main reason for the stepwise step of phase is related with human activities.
来源 地理学报 ,2014,69(5):619-631 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201405005
关键词 黄河入海水沙通量 ; 周期性 ; 阶段性 ; 渤海 ; 小波分析 ; 突变分析

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 大气科学(气象学)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5145979

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