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Influence of Negative Emotions on Delivery Mode


文摘 目的:探讨负性情绪对分娩方式的影响。方法:采用贝克抑郁问卷(Beck Depression Inventory),状态-特质焦量表(State-Trait Anxiety Inventory),威尔玛分娩恐惧问卷(Wijma Delivery Experience Questionnaire)对北京某三甲医院产前检查人院分娩的孕妇401人问卷调查,年龄19.00-41.2岁(29.38±3.28),孕周36-41+2周,平均37+4周,并对其分娩结局进行观察。结果:剖宫产组抑郁、状态焦虑、特质焦虑、分娩恐惧均显著高于自然分娩组。在控制孕妇年龄、体重、身高、新生儿体重之后,对各种负性情绪和分娩方式做回归分析,回归系数均显著(P<0.05)。结论:负性情绪不仅影响分娩方式的选择,也影响分娩过程,进而影响分娩方式,负性情绪越多,剖宫产的几率越大。
其他语种文摘 Objective: To investigate influence of negative emotions on delivery mode. Methods: 401 pregnant women from a top three hospitals were asked to complete Beck Depression Inventory, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and Wijma Delivery Expectancy Questionnaire. The mean maternal age was 29.38 years, and the mean gestational duration was 37 + 4 weeks. Their choice of delivery mode and final delivery outcome were investigated. Results: The degree of depression, anxiety and childbirth fear in the cesarean delivery group is much higher than the spontaneous labor group. Logistic regression showed that after the pregnant women' s age, height, weight and neonates' weight were controlled, scores of depression, anxiety and Childbirth fear had a significant predictive effect on the delivery mode. Conclusion: Negative emotions effects the selection of delivery mode, that is the more negative emotions are presented, the higher rate of cesarean section were selected.
来源 中国临床心理学杂志 ,2014,22(2):337-340,336 【核心库】
关键词 抑郁 ; 焦虑 ; 分娩恐惧 ; 分娩方式

中国科学院心理研究所, 中国科学院心理健康重点实验室, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1005-3611
学科 基础医学
文献收藏号 CSCD:5122999

参考文献 共 20 共1页

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