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Research progress in manufacturing industry productivity


李燕 1   贺灿飞 2 *  
文摘 中国正经历着由“制造业大国”向“制造业强国”的转型,制造业生产率的提升关系着中国在全球产业链分工中的地位。从地理学和经济学的视角,对制造业生产率的概念界定与发展、制造业生产率的来源及制造业生产率的增长路径等方面的相关理论进行回顾,在此基础上,指出不同阶段理论研究存在的缺陷和不足,以及下一阶段研究的改进方向;进而通过对国内外制造业生产率实证研究的梳理,发现中国制造业生产率研究已取得了卓有成效的进展。然而,国内研究缺乏本土化的制造业生产率研究的理论体系;研究方法缺乏突破;中国特有的经济体制、制造业成长的历史背景、地理分布和政策环境等特征在实证研究中尚未得到充分的挖掘和解析。未来中国制造业生产率的研究需要建立中国制造业生产率的理论研究体系,拓展研究方法,关注在当今全球产业链分工体系下以及国际国内产业转移的背景下制造业生产率来源和增长路径的演化特征及趋势,并加强对实践指导和政策参考方面的延伸。
其他语种文摘 Productivity has always been one of the key research areas in both economics and geography, which relates to the source and quality of economic growth. In the paradigm of productivity research, manufacturing, as the core sector in the economic system, has attracted growing interests of scholars. China is currently experiencing a profound transformation from a big manufacturing country to a powerful manufacturing country. Manufacturing industry productivity has a great impact on the position of China in the global value chain. Against this background, this paper has provided a comprehensive review on manufacturing industry productivity research. The research on manufacturing productivity will lead to improving the efficiency of resource use and optimizing industrial distribution. The paper summarized the theoretical developments of manufacturing industry productivity research in different stages from three aspects: definition and research area, source of the productivity growth, and productivity growth path. The concept of manufacturing productivity can be discussed in two ways: single factor productivity and total factor productivity. Single factor productivity relates one input to outputs. Whereas, total factor productivity expresses the ratio of all outputs produced to all resources used. Based on Cobb-Douglas production function, capital and labor are the main dominant inputs of a production process taking technological improvements as exogenous assumption. With the development of the productivity study, the exogenous technological improvements assumption was break. The endogenous growth theory and the agglomeration theory emphasized the role of information spillover and externality. We generalized the contributing empirical research on manufacturing industry productivity. It's evident that fixed asset investment, foreign trade and export, foreign direct investment, institutional and policy environment, industrial agglomeration all affected manufacturing productivity. However, no unanimous conclusions have been obtained on how these factors impacted manufacturing productivity. One of the heated discussions is the relationship between export and manufacturing productivity. Some researchers found that exporting boosted firm productivity by expanding market opportunities, while others hold that only the most productive firms could become exporting enterprises. Compared with the empirical research in the West, we found that the factors influencing manufacturing productivity in China were more complicated in the Chinese economic environment. In general, the manufacturing productivity research in China has made remarkable progress especially in the aspect of empirical research. However, it lacked localized theoretical system, and was short of attention to the unique historical, geographic and policy background of manufacturing industry in China. Therefore, the manufacturing industry productivity research in China could more focus on the following aspects in the future: (1) constructing localized theoretical framework that is suitable for manufacturing industry productivity research in China; (2) exploring the spatial and industrial heterogeneity of manufacturing industry productivity by introducing multiple spatial analysis methods; and (3) regional manufacturing structure shift and productivity evolution under the background of the global industrial chain division and the domestic and international industry shift. Research on Chinese manufacturing productivity is useful for enhancing the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry in China.
来源 地理科学进展 ,2014,33(3):399-410 【核心库】
关键词 制造业 ; 生产率 ; 增长路径 ; 研究进展

1. 中国城市发展研究院, 北京, 100088  

2. 北京大学城市与环境学院, 北京, 100871

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1007-6301
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5106157

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