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Review of creative industries from perspective of embeddedness


文摘 伴随经济地理学发展的制度、文化及关系转向,新经济社会学中的“嵌入性”理论在经济地理学研究中得到广泛应用。以创意产业发展研究为例,首先分析了嵌入性概念在经济地理学界的运用和发展状况;其次,结合创意产业特性,从经济地理学学科发展的层面,探讨了从嵌入性视角开展创意产业发展研究的必要性;然后,从文化制度嵌入、地域嵌入、网络嵌入3个维度,对国内外创意产业相关文献进行梳理和回顾,并对该领域研究成果进行了总结和评述;最后,对未来的创意产业的相关研究提出展望,并进一步指出,区域经济的嵌入性研究,既是中国学者参与国际经济地理学理论构建、对话和争辩的重要领域,也是推进主流经济地理学本土化建设的重要方向。
其他语种文摘 Economic activity is socially constructed and historically determined by individual and collective actions expressed through organizations and institutions. Along with the development of economic geography, institution and culture tend to be hotspots in this subject realm. The theories of new economic geography that contain new regionalism economic geography, cultural economic geography, relationship economic geography, evolution economic geography among others are gradually being built and improved. More scholars began to pay close attention to the non-economic factors that influence regional economic development. In this process, the concept of "embeddedness" that came from the new economic sociology is increasingly becoming a key word. And it has gained much prominence in economic geography over the last decade, as much work has been done on the social and organizational foundations of economic activities and regional development. This article analyzes the progress in research of creative industry development from the perspective of embeddedness. It starts with the use and development of the concept of "embeddednes" in economic geography. Economic geographers developed the conception of "embeddedness". They pointed out that it includes three dimensions: (1) "Cultural and institutional embeddedness", which means that economic behaviors are always affected by the special culture, institution, religious and morality, which are like genes embedded in the action of economic behaviors. The degree and behaviors of interpersonal trust, dependence and information sharing are affected by cultural tradition and value criterion and institution. (2) "Territorial embeddedness", that is, economic behaviors are always embedded in the local environment. The territorial related relationship will affect the behavior of economic actors. (3) "Network embeddedness", that is, a lot of formal and informal contacts between economic actors form network organizations. So everyone in the network is always affected by the network structure and his position in the network. Those new conceptions put forward by geographers are more detailed and have "space" meaning when compared with the traditional conception of economic sociology. The article also discusses the necessity and importance of doing research on the development of regional creative industry from the perspective of embeddedness. Based on the three dimensions of "embeddedness", this article reviews related literature and summarizes as well as comments on related research achievements in this field. In the end, the article discusses the outlook of future economic geography research of creative industry development from the perspective of embeddedness. Furthermore, the article points out that the research of "embeddedness" of the regional economics is not only an important area where Chinese scholars are able to participate in international economic geography theory building, dialogues and debates, but also an important direction for mainstream economic geography to promote its localization construction, hence it has important significance both theoretically and practically. Scholars should continue to put into energy to carry out in-depth studies.
来源 地理科学进展 ,2014,33(3):389-398 【核心库】
关键词 嵌入性 ; 创意产业 ; 经济地理学 ; 述评

湖南大学经济与贸易学院, 长沙, 410079

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1007-6301
学科 自然地理学
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目 ;  湖南省社会科学基金重点项目 ;  湖南大学“青年教师成长计划 ” 项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5106156

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1 王腾飞 宁波老工业区创意空间孕育机制研究 地理科学进展,2018,37(11):1567-1580
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2 朱竑 文化经济地理学:概念、理论和实践 经济地理,2019,39(9):1-11
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