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LEO Spacecraft Magnetism Propulsion and Its Capability Estimation


文摘 针对地球空间磁场分布特点,提出可用于实现低轨航天器轨道维持、轨道变更的无质消耗推进技术。从基本的磁学理论出发,建立了带磁航天器在地球空间磁场中的飞行磁推力模型,阐述了通过航天器磁性获取无工质消耗连续推力的磁推进概念和原理,阐明了作用机理,提出了磁力矩解耦的磁力线追踪推力策略,给出了磁推进的能力包络和轨道高度保持与提升的典型估算结果。分析表明,当飞行体磁矩达到106Am2量级以上时,可以有效用于600~1000km范围内轨道高度保持或提升。此外,文章还简要分析了实现高磁矩的技术可行性。
其他语种文摘 According to the characteristics of the magnetic field distribution in the earth space, the propulsion technology without propellant consumption was proposed to maintain or change the LEO spacecraft altitude. The magnetic thrust dynamics was modeled based on the fundamental magnetics, the magnetism propulsion principle with continuous thrust but no propellant consumption was clarified, and the tracking control strategy of geomagnetic line of force for decoupling the magnetic moment was proposed. The flight envelope of magnetism propulsion and typical calculations for the orbit altitude maintenance or changes was carried out. The results show that the magnetic moment of the spacecraft can be used to maintain or change the spacecraft altitude from 600km to 1000km in low earth orbit (LEO) when it is up to 106Am2. Furthermore, the technical feasibility of obtaining high magnetic moment is briefly analyzed.
来源 中国空间科学技术(中英文) ,2013,33(6):67-73 【核心库】
DOI 10.3780/j.issn.1000-758x.2013.06.009
关键词 磁推进 ; 无工质消耗推进 ; 轨道高度保持 ; 轨道高度提升 ; 空间推进 ; 航天器

中国科学院力学研究所, 北京, 100190

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-758X
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:5023177

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