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Residents' incongruence between reality and preference of accessibility to urban facilities in Beijing


谌丽 1   张文忠 1 *   杨翌朝 2  
文摘 服务设施可达性对于居民生活质量的重要性越来越受到国内外研究和城市规划的广泛重视,然而中国城市发展过程中却暴露出服务设施可达性下降的问题。从居民的视角出发,构建影响中国城市居民服务设施可达性偏好与现实错位的分析框架。在此基础上,分析了基于北京市2005年居住环境调查主观数据对居民的服务设施可达性偏好。利用北京城市服务设施空间数据借助GIS评估居民的客观服务设施可达性,通过多元回归模型讨论居民服务设施可达性偏好与现实的错位情况和相关因素并侧重验证城市空间结构和住房获取渠道的影响,这些因素与中国的城市发展和住房政策变化紧密相关并将基于此提出促进居民实现其服务设施可达性偏好的城市规划和政策建议。
其他语种文摘 Accessibility to facilities is a significant concern to urban residents' life quality, and is an indicator frequently used for a place's livability. In the U.S., the rise of anti-sprawl smart growth and the environmental concerns about transportation show that the growing preference for accessibility is connected to interest in urban environment. However, in China, researches have reported the decreasing accessibility to facilities brought by rapid urbanization. Meanwhile, the increasing selectivity in preferences may further reduce accessibility. So far there has been little research on the general preference of different households for living environment; less is known about which households are experiencing a state of incongruence between their preference and reality. This paper is concerned with several aspects of accessibility to various daily life activities and destinations (education, health services, shopping, recreation space and food outlets). The paper has three aims. First, it is to analyze whether the preference for accessibility varies across socio-economic characteristics. Second, it is to measure the objective accessibility across different locations and housing types. Third, it is to identify the determinants of incongruence between people's preference and reality. Particularly, we are interested in the influence of urban temporal and spatial development, as well as housing access types. Our micro data comes from a large-scale 2005 residential satisfaction survey conducted in the city of Beijing. We also adopted GIS-based measures of objective accessibility and related it to a respondent's satisfaction levels. Evidence generated from this study will shed some light on the problem of social justice in urban space. Moreover, it can contribute to the debate on urban sprawl and housing reform. Finally, the paper sums up with suggestions to local government on public facilities provision.
来源 地理学报 ,2013,68(8):1071-1081 【核心库】
关键词 居民 ; 服务设施可达性 ; 偏好 ; 错位 ; 城市扩张 ; 住房市场化 ; 北京

1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京, 100101  

2. 美国俄勒冈大学规划与公共政策管理系, 尤金, 97403

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4936316

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