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A Temperature Control System of an EMCCD Cold Finger


袁尤西 1   李彬华 1 *   程向明 2   金建辉 1  
文摘 为了对EMCCD冷指温度进行精确的控制,介绍了一种新的温度检测与控制系统的设计方案。该系统采用铂电阻Ptl000作为温度敏感元件,AD7705作为模数转换模块,以单片机STC89C52为核心实现数据采集与加热控制功能。温度数据可以在系统的液晶屏上实时显示,也可通过RS232串口传至上位机进行显示、存储。系统测试时,分别采用了20 V和18.5V的电源电压对EMCCD冷指进行加热。测试数据的统计分析表明,该系统能将 EMCCD冷指温度控制在一个设定低温值(如-100℃)附近,系统误差在0.006 8 ℃以内。
其他语种文摘 An EMCCD is a highly sensitive CCD image sensor. At certain high operating temperature dark currents are generated in an EMCCD, reducing the signal-to-noise ratios of images taken by the device. For this reason, the operating temperature needs to be kept as low and stable as possible. This is accomplished by regulating the temperature of a CCD cold finger. The paper presents a new design of a temperature detection and control system of a cold finger. To fit the actual situation, we use certain aluminum material to make an EMCCD cold finger. This paper shows its structure and assembly steps. A platinum resistor Ptl000 is used as a temperature sensor, which is combined with three resistors of the same type and a potentiometer to constitute a bridge gauge. Based on the characteristics of the platinum resistor and the network structure of the bridge gauge, we deduced the formula for temperature detection. An AD7705 is used as an analog-to-digital converter, and a microcontroller STC89C52 serves as the master controller to acquire temperature data from the A/D converter and to control the process of heating the cold finger. The temperature data sampled and calibrated by the microcontroller can be displayed in real time on an LCD, and sent to a PC through the RS232 serial port for display and storage. In addition, the paper gives the temperature-data processing algorithm and the scheme of calibration (for eliminating systematic errors). We have conducted two test experiments, in which power supplies of 20V and 18.5V are used in the heating circuit, respectively. The statistical analysis of the test data shows that the temperature of the EMCCD cold finger can be controlled in the vicinity of a given low temperature (i. e., -100℃) and the absolute error can be less than 0. 006 8℃. These results show that the EMCCD cold finger, its supporting mechanism, the temperature control circuit, and the software are well designed, making the detection and control of the temperature of the system meeting the requirements for an astronomical CCD camera controller.
来源 天文研究与技术 ,2013,10(3):293-300 【扩展库】
关键词 CCD ; 制冷 ; 温度检测 ; 单片机 ; 统计分析

1. 昆明理工大学信息工程与自动化学院, 云南, 昆明, 650500  

2. 中国科学院云南天文台, 云南, 昆明, 650011

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1672-7673
学科 自动化技术、计算机技术
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:4921748

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程向明 0000-0002-0282-528X
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