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EAST 4.6GHz低杂波器件水冷结构设计与优化
Design and optimization of cooling structure on EAST 4.6GHz LHCD components


文摘 设计了EAST 4.6GHz低杂波器件的一系列主动水冷冷却结构,阐述了直波导、波导弯头、天线单元的水冷结构设计,并使用有限元模拟软件ANSYS计算了这些部件的发热和对流冷却,计算并展示了部件上的温度分布二环结构变形。通过计算,优化直波导单面水冷结构为双面水冷。计算结果表明,立弯波导弯头的水冷结构明显好于侧弯弯头。原天线单元前端温度分布集中,热应力很大,不符合实验要求。优化后的天线单元前端的温升和热变形可以达到LHCD实验要求。
其他语种文摘 The active cooling structures consisting of long straight waveguide, 2 kinds of waveguide elbows, antenna unit were designed. A general finite element simulation software ANSYS is employed to calculate the heat generation and convection cooling on these components. Temperature distribution contour and structural deformation on components are calculated and shown. Optimized cooling plate on straight waveguide is the double cooling. Numerical results show that cooling structure on H-bend waveguide is better than that on E-bend. Instead of the original cooling tunnel on antenna unit, the temperature on head is too high and the thermal stress is too large to apply this design, the temperature rise on front end and thermal deformation of the optimized antenna unit meet the demands of LHCD experiments.
来源 核聚变与等离子体物理 ,2013,33(2):155-160 【核心库】
关键词 EAST ; 4.6GHz低杂波系统 ; 水冷结构 ; ANSYS热应力分析

中国科学院等离子体物理研究所, 合肥, 230031

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0254-6086
学科 原子能技术
文献收藏号 CSCD:4882687

参考文献 共 10 共1页

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