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Conceptual studies of the high pressure zone capture wing configuration for high speed air vehicles


文摘 针对高速飞行器大容积、高升力、低阻力和高升阻比设计需求,本文首次提出一种带有高压捕获翼的新型气动布局概念.与传统升力体或乘波布局比较,该布局的主要特点为在飞行器机体背风面增加了与来流方向平行的曲面翼,称之为高压捕获翼.在高速巡航飞行条件下,通过合理的配置,高压捕获翼可以捕获来流经机体上壁面压缩后形成的高压区,利用捕获翼上下表面形成的大压力差使飞行器的升力获得大幅补偿.同时飞行器的升阻比可获得大幅提升.此外,当飞行器容积及重量增加时,其上壁面压缩增强,可使捕获翼的升力进一步增大,从而实现升力与重力的自补偿效果.几个概念实例计算结果均表明,增加高压捕获翼后飞行器的升力可大幅提升达30%以上,升阻比提升一般可达20%以上.
其他语种文摘 To aim at design requirements of large capacity, high lift, low drag, and high lift-to-drag ratio for high speed air vehicles, a new aerodynamic configuration concept, named high pressure zone capture wing (HCW) configuration is firstly proposed in this paper. By comparison with traditional lift body or waverider configurations, the new feature of the HCW configuration is to introduce a surface wing, which is upon the airframe of the vehicle and paralleled with the free stream. In high speed cruising conditions, the HCW can capture the high pressure zone compressed by the upper surface of the vehicle. Thus the lift of the vehicle can get a considerable compensation due to the large pressure difference between the upper and the lower surface of the HCW. The lift-to drag ratio can also obtain a large improvement as a result. Besides, the increase of the volume and the weight of the vehicle will lead to higher lift of the HCW. Therefore, a self-compensation effect between the lift and the weight of the vehicle is achieved. Totally four conceptual configurations with different airframes and HCWs are designed as well as their aerodynamic performance were evaluated by computational fluid dynamics as examples. The results clearly demonstrate the high aerodynamic performance of the HCW configuration. In almost all cases, the lift of the HCW configuration increases by more than 30 percent compared with the configuration without the HCW while the lift-to-drag ratio increases by 20 percent above.
来源 中国科学. 物理学 , 力学, 天文学,2013,43(5):652-661 【核心库】
DOI 10.1360/132013-60
关键词 高速飞行器 ; 气动布局 ; 高压捕获翼 ; 升力补偿 ; 升阻比

中国科学院力学研究所, 高温气体动力学国家重点实验室, 北京, 100190

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1674-7275
学科 航空
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4837721

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