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Farmers’rural settlement integration aspiration and driving mechanism: A cass study of Bailin village in Chongqing


李晓庆 1   王成 2 *   王利平 2   蒋伟 1   熊川铭 1  
文摘 农村居民点整合作为乡村治理的重要内容,在时间上,既要与农村居民点建设相联系,又要真实反映未农户的居住意愿、需求与偏好;在空间上,既要满足不同农户的生产、生活需求,还要考虑农户所在村落的空间层次;尊重农户的整合意愿与发挥农村居民点整合效应间的耦合,已成为农村居民点整合和解决民生的重心。研究选取重庆市沙坪坝区曾家镇白林村为样点,采取"PRA(Participatory Rural Appraisal)+3S(GIS+RS+GPS)"的方法建立"农户—土地"空间特征与属性特征一体化数据库,按农户生计资产配置结构和未来生计发展趋势,剖析不同类型农户对农村居民点整合的意愿及其驱动机制。结果表明:农户农村居民点整合意愿各异,非农专业化发展型(72.82%)>非农多样化发展型(49.66%)>兼业发展型(44.44%)>农业专业化发展型(36.84%)>农业多样化发展型(37.33%)。农户农村居民点整合意愿受家庭经济、居住环境、社会交往及政策等多种因素的影响,而农户后顾生计来源及其收入变化、居住条件、邻里关系、社会地位感知是农户农村居民点整合意愿形成的重要驱动机制。
其他语种文摘 Rural settlement integration as the important content of the integration of rural governance.At the time, it should be contact with the rural residential building at last long time,in the space it should must the needs of different farmer's production and life demand, and we must consider the space levels of the village. So the coupling of respect the farmers’rural settlement integration aspiration and give play to the effect of rural residential integration related to the improvement of farmers’production and living conditions, and it has became the focus of rural settlement integration and effectively solve the people’s livelihood problem. This study took Bailin Village in Chongqing as an example, adopting the methods of‘PRA+3S’, constructed a database integrated the spatial characteristics of‘farmers-land’and development trend of future livelihood dynamic to quantize farmers’livelihood assets, analyzed different types of farmers’rural settlement integration aspiration and dynamic mechanism. The results of this study showed that: Different types of farmers’rural settlement integration aspiration have significant differences, generally the order of 5 types of farmers’rural settlement integration aspiration strength is: non-agricultural specialization development type (72.82%)>non-agricultural diversification farmer type(49.66%)>part-time development type(44.44%)>agricultural specialization type(36.84%)>agricultural diversification development type (37.33%); Farmers’rural settlement integration aspiration is the driving asymptotic outcome of the push-pull power from farmers’economy, living environment, social interaction and policy factors, it embodies the result of game between farmers’endogenous power and external environment; The farmers’future livelihood source and income changes, living conditions, neighborhood relations, perception of social status are the important driving mechanism of forming farmers’rural settlement integration aspiration, and farmers’future livelihood security is the key of rural settlement integration.
来源 地理科学进展 ,2013,32(4):671-680 【核心库】
关键词 农村居民点整合 ; 农户意愿 ; 农户分化 ; 驱动机制 ; 情景识别 ; 白林村 ; 重庆

1. 重庆市农村土地整治中心, 重庆, 400015  

2. 西南大学地理科学学院, 重庆, 400715

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-6301
学科 社会科学总论;测绘学
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目 ;  国家教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4824301

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2 张勇 农村宅基地退出补偿研究综述 中国农业大学学报,2016,21(3):151-160
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