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Characteristics of young workers' basic psychological needs and its relationship with index of wellbeing


文摘 目的调查青年职工基本心理需要满足的现状及其与幸福感的关系。方法采用等比例分层随机抽样,使用中文版基本心理需要满足量表和幸福指数量表对5972名青年职工进行调查。结果青年职工基本心理需要满足[(4.36 ±0.71)分]整体上表现出良好的态势,归属需要满足程度[(4.70±1.05)分]最高,自主需要满足[(3.96±1.21)分]和自主需要满足受阻程度[(4.08±1.17)分]略低,归属需要满足受阻程度[(3.20±1.26)分]最低;性别差异没有统计学意义,学历和月收入的交互作用在归属需要满足上具有统计学意义(F_(0.05(6.5948))=4.068,P<0.01);基本心理需要满足及其各因子与幸福指数均显著相关(P<0.01);自主需要满足、归属需要满足、自主需要满足受阻对幸福指数有预测作用(adjR~2=0.339),β值分别为0.457,0.186,-0.102。结论青年职工基本心理需要满足总体态势良好,可从自主需要满足、归属需要满足、自主需要满足受阻3个维度的调节来提高青年职工的幸福指数。
其他语种文摘 Objective To explore the current situation of basic psychological needs satisfaction (BPNS) and the relationship between index of well-being and BPNS among young workers in China. Methods The samples consisting of 5972 young workers were selected by stratified and random sampling according to the proportion. The Chinese vision of the Basic Needs Satisfaction in General Scale and the Index of Well-being Scale were used. Results The overall situation of BPNS of young workers (4.36±0.71) was good, satisfied state of relatedness need(SSRN,4.70±1.05) was the highest,satisfied state of autonomy need(SSAN,3.96±1.21) and blocked state of autonomy need(BSAN,4.08±1.17) were lower, blocked state of relatedness need(BSRN,3.20±1.26)was the lowest; education and income had interaction on SSRN(F_(0.05(6.5948))=4.068,P<0.01)while there was no difference between gender on all of the dimensions. Pearson correlation analysis showed that all the dimensions of BPNS were significantly related to the index of well-being;and linear regression analysis showed that SSAN,SSRN and BSAN could forecast the index of well-being(adjR~2=0. 339),β=0.457,0. 186, -0. 102 respectively. Conclusion The overall situation of BPNS of young workers is good; and adjustment of SSAN, SSRN and BSAN could improve the index of well-being of young workers.
来源 中华行为医学与脑科学杂志 ,2013,22(3):253-255 【扩展库】
关键词 基本心理需要满足 ; 幸福指数 ; 青年职工

中国科学院心理研究所中国科学院大学, 中国科学院心理健康重点实验室, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1674-6554
学科 神经病学与精神病学
基金 中国科学院心理健康重点实验室经费资助项目 ;  国家科技支撑计划项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4804247

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引证文献 1

1 况扶华 铁路青年工人职业认同感现状及其对幸福感的预测作用 中华行为医学与脑科学杂志,2014,23(3):254-257
CSCD被引 0 次


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