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Variation characteristics of water-soluble inorganic ions in size-segregated atmospheric particles in Chengdu in winter


杨周 1   李晓东 1 *   于静 2   石友香 2   杜锋 2  
文摘 利用Anderson冲击式分级采样器,在2010年冬季采集了成都市城东区不同粒径的大气颗粒物样品,分析了9种水溶性离子(SO_4~(2-)、NO_3~-、Cl~-、F~-、NH_4~+、Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)、K~+、Na~+)的含量,并探讨其分布变化特征。SO_4~(2-)、NO_3~-、NH_4~+、Cl~-、K~+、Na~+等离子主要集中在粒径为3.3~0.65μm的细颗粒物中,而Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)则集中在粒径为11~4.7μm的粗颗粒物中。SO_4~(2-)、NO_3~-、NH_4~+、Ca~(2+)是主要的无机离子;在不同天气条件下,SO_4~(2-)、NO_3~-的质量浓度按雾天、阴天、雨天递减,且雾天较阴天高2.5倍左右,较雨天高5倍左右,而其他离子也高出2倍左右;在不同粒径颗粒物中[NO_3~-]/[SO_4~(2-)]比值均较小(<1),说明成都市目前仍然以固定(燃煤)污染源为主,移动污染源(汽车尾气)的影响正逐步增强。
其他语种文摘 By means of the Andersen stage sampler,size-segregated atmospheric particles were collected in Chengdu City in winter,2010. The size distribution spectra of major water-soluble inorganic ions (SO_4~(2 -),NO_3~ -,Cl~ -,F~ -,NH_4~+,Ca~(2 +),Mg~(2 +),K~ +,and Na~ +) were determined. Mass contents of SO_4~(2 -),NO_3~ -,NH_4~ +,Cl~ -,K~ + and Na~ + mainly concentrated in the fine particles within the size range of 3. 3 - 0. 65 μm,and those of Ca~(2 +) and Mg~(2 +) concentrated in the coarse particles (11. 0 - 4. 7 μm). SO_4~(2 -),NO_3~ -,NH_4~ + and Ca~(2 +) were the major inorganic ions in the collected atmospheric particles. Under different weather conditions,mass concentrations of SO_4~(2 -) and NO_3~ - decreased in sequence of foggy day,cloudy day and rainy day, and their contents in the foggy day were about 2. 5 and 5 times higher than that in cloudy day and rainy day,respectively. Accordingly,the other ions were also about 2 times higher. In the all size-segregated particles,the ratios of [NO_3~ -]/[SO_4~(2 -)]were less than 1. 0,indicating that the air pollution in Chengdu City are still dominated by stationary source (coal combustion) while the mobile pollution source (main as vehicle exhaust) is becoming increasingly important.
来源 生态学杂志 ,2013,32(3):682-688 【核心库】
关键词 Anderson分级采样器 ; 大气颗粒物 ; 天气条件 ; 水溶性无机离子

1. 中国科学院地球化学研究所, 环境地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵阳, 550002  

2. 成都理工大学环境与土木工程学院, 成都, 610059

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-4890
学科 大气科学(气象学)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4798364

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