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Effect of collagen crosslinking on porcine sclera with different methods


吴元 1   杨松霖 1   李海丽 1   晏晓明 1 *   宋凡 2  
文摘 背景研究表明化学交联剂可加强巩膜胶原的强度,但交联效果受不同交联方法的影响。目的研究不同交联方法对猪巩膜化学交联效果的影响。方法离体4h以内的新鲜猪眼球70只分为5个组,分别用全眼球交联法和巩膜条带交联法在质量分数1%京尼平溶液、体积分数1%戊二醛溶液或PBS中37℃水浴40 min。交联后每组取10个10 mm×4 mm的颞侧巩膜条带于Instron5848型微力测试仪下进行拉伸实验,测定巩膜组织的弹性模量和拉伸应力;每组其他的4个样本于水浴箱内测试巩膜组织的最大热收缩温度。结果机械力学实验结果表明,1%京尼平溶液处理后,全眼球交联法巩膜条带的弹性模量值为(8.98± 1.81)MPa,而巩膜条带交联后的值是(10.85±1.83) MPa,前者约为后者的82.8%,两种交联方法的巩膜弹性模量值间的差异有统计学意义(t=3.375,P=0.003);1%戊二醛溶液处理后,全眼球交联法巩膜条带的弹性模量值是(12.78±2.91)MPa,巩膜条带交联后的值是(18.25±5. 16) MPa,前者约为后者的70.0%,两种交联方法间的差异有统计学意义(t=4.007,P=0.001)。在5%、10%、15%和20%的应变条件下,全眼球交联法巩膜组织的拉伸应力分别为巩膜条带交联法的54.9% -90.1%,均明显弱于巩膜条带交联法,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。热力学实验表明,1%京尼平处理后全眼球交联法巩膜的热收缩温度为(68.8±0.9)℃,巩膜条带交联法为(74.8±1.3)℃,两种交联方法间的差异有统计学意义(t=11.129,P=0.000).1%戊二醛处理后全眼球交联法巩膜的热收缩温度为(73.3±0.9)℃,巩膜条带交联法为(79.3±1.3)℃,两种交联方法间的差异有统计学意义(t=11. 112,P=0.000)。结论不同交联方法对猪巩膜化学交联后的力学效果存在影响,巩膜条带交联后巩膜的交联强度略好于全眼球交联。
其他语种文摘 Background Chemical crosslinking agent can be used to strengthen the intensity of sclera tissue, but the intensity of the sclera may be influenced by different crosslinking methods. Objective The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of collagen crosslinking on porcine sclera between whole-eye crosslinking method and scleral strip crosslinking method. Methods Whole-eye crosslinking or sclera strip crosslinking was performed on 70 fresh porcine eyeballs in five groups using 1% genipin, 1% glutaraldehyde or PBS respectively for 40 minutes. After crosslinking,10 sclera strips with 10 mmx4 mm from the temporal lateral were prepared in every group for the stress-strain measurement using a Instron5848 microtester, and the other 4 scleral strips in each group were extracted for the thermal shrinkage temperature test. Results Biomechanical property test reveled that the elastic modulus value of sclera strips reduced by 70.0% -82.8% in the whole-eye crosslinking method group compared with scleral stip crosslinking method group after treated with 1% genipin((8.98±1.81) MPa vs.(10.85±1.83) MPa, t= 3.375,P=0.003))and 1% glutaraldehyde((12.78±2. 91) MPa vs.(18.25 ±5.16) MPa,t =4.007,P=0.001)); The tensile stress of whole-eye crosslinking method group was 54.9% -90. 1% of scleral stips method group, showing significant decline after corsslinked of whole-eye in 5%,10%,15% and 20% strain conditions(all P<0.05). Thermomechanics test showed that the thermal shrinkage temperature was lower in the whole-eye crosslinking group compared with scleral stip crosslinking group after treated with both 1% genipin((68. 8±0.9)℃ vs. (74.8±1.3)℃,t=11.129,P=0. 000)) and 1% glutaraldehyde((73.3±0.9)℃ vs. (79.3±1.3)℃,t =11. 112,P=0. 000)). Conclusions Different crosslinking methods have an influence on the efficacy of collagen crosslinking on porcine sclera. Sclera strip crosslinking offers a better crosslinking intensity for selera.
来源 中华实验眼科杂志 ,2013,31(2):168-171 【扩展库】
DOI 10.3760/cma.j.issn.2095-0160.2013.02.015
关键词 巩膜 ; 交联 ; 胶原 ; 全眼球交联法 ; 巩膜条带交联法

1. 北京大学第一医院, 眼科视觉损伤与修复教育部重点实验室, 100034  

2. 中国科学院力学研究所, 非线性力学国家重点实验室, 北京, 100190

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 2095-0160
学科 眼科学
基金 北大医院青年基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4779515

参考文献 共 8 共1页

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引证文献 3

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2 赵亚芳 京尼平巩膜交联对兔形觉剥夺性近视形成的抑制作用 中华实验眼科杂志,2019,37(12):962-966
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吴元 0000-0003-2080-1414
晏晓明 0000-0001-7112-4420
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