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The Process and Enlightenment of Urban-rural Integration in Beijing since 1988


文摘 北京城郊农业区在不同时期因产业化、城市化的不同而承担着不同的发展目标,其城乡一体化的进程及空间格局也出现了差异。本文运用历史沿革分析和数理分析方法对城乡一体化的功能结构及空间分布进行了研究,结果表明:自1988年以来,处于近郊至远郊内缘的农业区(23~57 km处)的产业化、城市化分别出现了辐射式→飞地式、等级转移式→团块+扇状式+辐射式的空间发展;不同时期生态、经济、社会功能的组合和实现情况各有侧重,多功能评价值相应地在"W"、"M"型空间格局之间转变。总体上,北京郊区农业区的城乡功能及其综合效益都在增强,但相对而言经济功能的作用在降低,生态、景观功能在上升,社会功能存在波动但总体趋强,城乡功能的空间布局更加复杂,而且这种发展态势直接影响着北京"十二五"期间多层次、多中心的城乡一体化建设。
其他语种文摘 Agricultural areas of Beijing’s suburbs bear the differenct development goals in different periods of industrialization and urbanization due to the urban-rural functional differences,and there are also some differences in its urban-rural integration process and spatial patterns.History evolution method and the corresponding mathematical analysis method are used in this paper to study the urban-rural integration.Results show that,the industrialization,and urbanization areas presented a spatial development pattern with radiation type→enclaves type,level transfer type→massive type+ fanlike type +radiation type in the Beijing main suburbs from inner suburban to exurban areas(23-57 km) since 1988;the combination and realization of economy,ecology and social functions varied during different periods,and its multi-function evaluation value changed between "W"-shaped and " M"-shaped pattern.General speaking,urban and rural functions and their comprehensive benefits of Beijing’s suburbs are enhanced,economic function has relatively declined,its ecological and landscape functions have relatively risen,and social functions appears to be fluctuating but the overall trend tends to be strong.The urban-rural funtctional space planning will become more complicated.This development situation directly affects the realization of multi-level and multi-center urban-rural integration during the 12 Five-year Plan period(2011-2015).
来源 地理科学进展 ,2012,31(8):1071-1079 【核心库】
关键词 北京城郊农业区 ; 城乡一体化 ; 空间格局 ; 功能转型

中国农业大学土地资源管理系, 北京, 100193

语种 中文
ISSN 1007-6301
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  国家教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:4639673

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