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Discussion on modal parameter identification method based on random decrement technique


文摘 大型基础工程结构的特征参数识别通常是通过对环境载荷激励的结构响应进行分析来实现,随机减量(Random Decrement,RD)技术是环境激励下的模态参数识别方法中应用较广的方法。在实际应用中受环境、测量等条件的限制,信号常为含有某些优势频率的非平稳信号,常常导致随机减量技术在识别结构参数尤其是系统阻尼时带来较大误差。为提高随机减量技术在环境激励作用下识别结构参数的准确性,文中从分析随机减量信号频谱中的频率分布特性入手,结合随机减量函数产生的触发条件,给出了一种利用信号频谱的统计特征进行模态参数识别的方法。数值仿真结果表明该函数能准确识别在含有优势频率环境载荷作用下的结构参数。
其他语种文摘 Characteristic parameters identification of major engineering structures is often performed by analyzing the responses of structure to ambient load excitation,the random decrement(RD) technique is more widely applied method of modal parameters identification under ambient excitation.As the restriction by conditions as environment,measurement and etc.in actual application,the signal usually is non-stable signal containing some dominant frequencies,this causes the random decrement technique to bring much bigger deviation in identifying structure parameters,particular in system damping.In order to improve the accuracy of random decrement technique in identifying structure parameters under the action of ambient excitation,by starting from analyzing the frequency distribution characteristics in random decrement signal frequency spectrum,and introducing the trigger condition that generates the random decrement function,the paper gives a method that carries out modal parameter identification by using statistic characteristics of signal frequency spectrum.Numerical simulation demonstrates that the function can accurately identify structure parameters under the action of ambient load containing dominant frequency.
来源 机械设计 ,2012,29(8):1-5 【核心库】
关键词 环境激励 ; 随机减量技术 ; 特征参数识别 ; 大型工程结构

中国科学院力学研究所, 中国科学院水动力学与海洋工程重点实验室, 北京, 100190

语种 中文
ISSN 1001-2354
学科 机械、仪表工业
文献收藏号 CSCD:4614261

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