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Design of the Polarimeter for the Fibre Arrayed Solar Optical Telescope


文摘 给出了满足光纤阵列太阳光学望远镜(FASOT,Fibre Arrayed Solar Optical Telescope)观测目标的偏振分析器的理论设计.它具有以下特点:(1)具备偏振光学开关功能,使得高偏振测量成为可能;(2)在750nm宽度范围内,对各Stokes偏振参量都具有50%以上的理论偏振测量效率,且总的偏振测量效率高于86.6%.使得观测者在如此宽波长范围内可对多条磁敏谱线同时进行偏振测量;(3)根据所选光球和色球线侧重于对线偏振或圆偏振的测量;(4)对偏振元件的制作工艺以及安装误差等具有相当好的容忍度.以上特性使该偏振分析器成为高性能的偏振测量设备.
其他语种文摘 The prototype polarimeter designed for Fibre Arrayed Solar Optical Telescope (FASOT) is described.It guarantees high precision and efficient polarimetry for many magneto-sensitive lines of interest,and the design of the other parts of FASOT depends on this scheme.The polarimeter makes possible the accurate measurement of the magnetic fields and other physical quantities in many scale heights in the solar atmosphere. The designed polarimeter has the following properties:(1) optical switching operation;(2) modulator with continuously polychromatic total polarimetric efficiency above 86.6%and polarimetric efficiency above 50%for each Stokes parameter over a wavelength range of 750 nm;(3) proper polarimetric efficiencies allocated to Stokes Q,U and V at the lines according to FASOT’s scientific goals;(4) tolerance of variations in polarimetric efficiency due to the errors resulted from manufacture,assembly,and integration.The integration of these properties makes the polarimeter to be unique in the polarimetric regime.
来源 天文学报 ,2012,53(4):342-352 【核心库】
关键词 望远镜 ; 技术:偏振测量 ; 仪器:偏振仪

中国科学院云南天文台, 昆明, 650011

语种 中文
ISSN 0001-5245
学科 天文学
基金 国家973计划 ;  国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4604023

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