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Observation Study on PM_(10) Concentration and Its Relationship with Visibility in Hefei Suburban Area in Summer


张敬巧 1   王淑兰 1   高健 1   柴发合 1   张萌 1   王杰 2   刘建国 2  
文摘 2010年8—9月在合肥市郊对ρ(PM_(10))进行了观测,并分析了其中9种水溶性离子(NO_2~-、Cl~-、NO_3~-、SO_4~(2-)、NH_4~+、Ca~(2+)、Na~+、Mg~(2+)、K~+)质量浓度.结果表明:采样期间该地区ρ(PM_(10))日均值为78.9μg/m~3,9种水溶性离子的平均质量浓度为18.93μg/m~3,占ρ(PM_(10))的26.6%,表明水溶性组分是PM_(10)的重要组成之一.SO_4~(2-)、NO_3~-、NH_4~+和Ca~(2+)是主要的阴、阳离子,日均质量浓度分别为8.14、4.81、3.46和1.33μg/m~3.不同RH(相对湿度)下PM_(10)对能见度的影响不同,RH小于80%时,二者呈显著的线性负相关〔R(相关系数)为-0.80〕;RH大于80%时,二者呈指数负相关(R为-0.48).离子间相关性分析显示,PM_(10)中水溶性离子的主要结合方式为(NH_4)_2SO_4、NH_4HSO_4、NH_4NO_3、KCl及K_2SO_4.采样期间ρ(NO_3~-)/ρ(SO_4~(2-))平均值为0.59,说明在该地区固定源对水溶性组分的贡献大于移动源.另外,扬尘也是PM_(10)重要来源之一.
其他语种文摘 PM_(10) was measured from August to September 2010 in a suburb of Hefei,and the water-soluble ions such as NO_2~-,Cl~-,NO_3~-,SO_4~(2-),NH_4~+,Ca~(2+),Na~+,Mg~(2+),K+ in PM_(10) were analyzed.The results showed that the average PM_(10) concentration in summer was 78.9 μg/m~3.The mean concentration of the nine ions was 18.93 μg/m~3,comprising 26.6% of the PM_(10).SO_4~(2-),NO_3~-,NH_4~+ and Ca~(2+) were the major water-soluble ions,with concentrations of 8.14,4.81,3.46 and 1.33 μg/m~3,respectively.The relationship between PM_(10) and visibility was found to vary with the relative humidity.They were linearly correlated(R=-0.80) when RH was less than 80%,and exponentially correlated(R=-0.48) when RH was larger than 80%.The correlation among the ions showed that the water-soluble ions mainly existed in the forms of(NH_4)_2SO_4,NH_4HSO_4,NH_4NO_3,KCl and K_2SO_4.The ratio between NO_3~-and SO_4~(2-)(0.59) suggested that the contribution of sulfur-rich point sources was larger than that of mobile source emissions on the ion concentrations in PM_(10).Additionally,dust was another important source of PM_(10).
来源 环境科学研究 ,2012,25(8):864-869 【核心库】
关键词 合肥 ; PM_(10) ; 能见度 ; 水溶性离子 ; 来源

1. 中国环境科学研究院, 环境基准与风险评估国家重点实验室, 北京, 100012  

2. 中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所, 安徽, 合肥, 230031

语种 中文
ISSN 1001-6929
学科 环境污染及其防治
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:4595675

参考文献 共 34 共2页

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