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Research on the Leisure Space Patterns in Beijing during the Ming and Qing Dynasties


吴承忠 1   韩光辉 2 *  
文摘 从休闲地分布数量来看,西郊和内城西区成为明代北京最重要的休闲区域。而明中后期外城的兴建促进了外城休闲地的发展。清初的满汉分城而治的政策直接刺激了外城西区超过西郊成为最重要的休闲区域和全北京城的休闲娱乐中心。明清北京休闲区经历了形成和演变的过程。明代和清代各形成了14处和19处休闲区,其中积水潭—什刹海—鼓楼大街风景、园林游览与市场休闲区等在两朝保持了兴盛的态势,二闸泛舟段到清代取代了高梁河成为北京城近郊最重要的河上游览区。休闲地空间格局的形成和变迁常常是自然地理环境、区位、都城性质和功能、民俗文化、政治等因素综合作用下的结果。
其他语种文摘 The Ming and Qing dynasties were the periods when the function of the capital was gradually substantiated and consolidated in the feudalist society of China.At present,the historical geographical studies on Beijing City have focused on the urban interspatial structure and its evolution,the distribution and transformation of political,commercial and religious sites and Xuan Nan literati culture district,but it’s still necessary to study the recreational geography of residents including the royal families,nobles,scholar-bureaucrats and civilians in Beijing city during the Qing and Ming dynasties. This paper focuses on the interspatial distributions and transformations of some recreational sites of Beijing city in the Qing and Ming dynasties,such as royal hunting sites, Xinggong,royal garden landscape spots,temples,temple fairs,gardens,markets,assembly halls,theatres,tea shops,restaurants and so on. The conclusions of this research can be drawn as follows. The changes of the city space structure influenced the development of recreational sites of Beijing.During the Ming Dynasty,the western suburbs and the west district of inner city became the important recreational areas.There were landscape tourism attractions in the western suburbs,temples in the inner city and the western suburbs,gardens in the east and west district of the inner city,temple fairs in the western suburbs,markets in the west district of the inner city,assembly halls in the east of the inner and outer city.The construction of the outer city improved the development of recreation sites. In the early Qing Dynasty,the policy of Manchu people and the Han people residence in different areas stimulated the development of recreation sites in the outer city,and the west district of the outer city became the recreation center of Beijing.In the Qing Dynasty, landscape tourism attractions were located in the western and northern suburbs,temples in the western suburbs and the west district of the outer city,gardens in the western suburbs,the west district of the outer city,the west and east district of the inner city,temple fairs in the western suburbs,the west district of the inner city and the west and east of outer city, markets in the west district of the outer city,assembly halls,theatres and restaurants in the west district of the outer city. During the Ming and Qing dynasties,the recreation areas in Beijing went through the formation and evolution period when 14 recreation areas during the Ming Dynasty had formed and 19 ones during the Qing Dynasty. The formation and transformation of the structure of recreation sites resulted from the physical geography environment(recreation resource),regional situations(transportation, markets,and residential districts),the character and function of the capital,the folk-culture, and the politics.
来源 地理学报 ,2012,67(6):804-816 【核心库】
关键词 休闲地 ; 休闲区 ; 空间格局 ; 明清 ; 北京

1. 对外经济贸易大学文化与休闲产业研究中心, 北京, 100029  

2. 北京大学城市与环境学院, 北京, 100871

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 建筑科学
基金 对外经济贸易大学学术创新团队资助项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4582915

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2 刘丽敏 基于公交刷卡数据的北京城市居民周末户外休闲行为特征研究 地域研究与开发,2018,37(6):52-57
CSCD被引 8


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