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Quantitative Study of the Relationship Between the Distribution of Cities and the Natural Environment Based on GIS and RS in China


文摘 利用ArcGIS10、ENVI4.5、Visual FoxPro6.0等软件,采用空间分析技术手段,定量分析了中国655个建制城市的空间分布与河流、植被、地形起伏度、高程4种自然环境因素的关系,结论如下:①城市对水的依赖程度高,城市等级越高,依赖程度越强;②总体趋势上,植被状况越好,城市分布数目越多;城市对植被的依赖程度高,城市等级越高,依赖程度越强;③总体趋势上,地形起伏度越大,城市分布数目越少;地形起伏度对城市分布有较大影响,城市等级越高,影响程度越大;④高程对城市分布有较大影响,城市等级越高,影响程度越大。综合评价全国不同区域的城市发展适宜度,分析了适合城市发展的区域。
其他语种文摘 Using spatial analysis techniques,this paper quantitatively analyzes the relationship between the spatial distribution of 655 cities of China and the natural environmental factors including rivers,vegetation,relief degree of land surface(RDLS) and elevation using sotware such as ArcGIS10,ENVI4.5 and Visual FoxPro6.0.The results include the following several aspects.Firstly,the cities are strongly dependent on rivers and the dependence is getting stronger with the expansion of the cities.The cities’sensitivity to rivers reduces as the distance from the cities to rivers increasing.Secondly,the number of cities is becoming larger with increasing vegetation rank generally.In other words,the better the vegetation condition is,the more the cities are distributed.The cities’dependence on vegetation is strong and the dependence is getting stronger with the expansion of the cities.Thirdly,the number of cities is getting smaller with the increasing relief degree of land surface(RDLS) rank generally.That is to say,the bigger the value of relief degree of land surface(RDLS) is,the more the cities are distributed.Relief degree of land surface(RDLS) has a great impact on the distribution of cities and the impact is becoming stronger with the expansion of the cities.Fourthly,the number of cities is becoming smaller with increasing elevation rank generally.In other words,the number of distributed cities is getting smaller as the value of elevation increasing.Elevation has a great impact on the distribution of cities and the impact is getting stronger with the expansion of the cities.At last,the city development suitability was evaluated in different regions of China and the regions were pointed out which are suitable for city development.The regions consist of the Northeast Plain,the North China Plain,the Middle-lower Yangtze Plain,the Pearl River Delta and the Sichuan Basin.In terms of the natural environment,the small and medium-sized cities of high suitability regions have large development potential.
来源 地理科学 ,2012,32(6):686-693 【核心库】
关键词 城市分布 ; 自然环境 ; 河流 ; 植被 ; 地形起伏度 ; 高程 ; 适宜度

兰州大学资源环境学院, 甘肃, 兰州, 730000

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-0690
学科 自然地理学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  国家教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划
文献收藏号 CSCD:4573478

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