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Statistical Analysis of the Meteorological Conditions for Astronomical Observation at Mount Dashanbao in the Zhaotong City


段辑 1   刘煜 2   申远灯 2   宋腾飞 2   刘顺庆 2   张雪飞 2   温骁 2   杨磊 2   林隽 2   刘忠 2   王建成 2  
文摘 采用云南省昭通市昭阳区气象局1960年到1988年间在大山包实地采集的气象数据资料,并根据优良太阳观测台址所要求的各项参数指标,对大山包29年来的气象资料进行了系统的统计分析,发现该候选址点在干季(10月到次年4月)具有年日照时间增长、云量减少、相对湿度降低、风速较小且风向稳定、气候变化具有明显的周期性等特征。考虑到交通条件便利,初步判定它是一个具有潜力的优良太阳观测候选址点。
其他语种文摘 This paper statistically analyzes the meteorological conditions of Mt.Dashanbao by using the meteorological data from the year 1960 to the year 1988,which were collected by the Meteorologic Bureau of the Zhaoyang District,Zhaotong City,Yunnan Province.We focus on meteorological parameters particularly relevant to the selection of an excellent solar observation site.We investigate the annual variation patterns of the parameters with wavelet analysis.We have found that the monthly relative humidity,average sunshine time,and average temperature all have nearly-fixed variation cycles of about one year,which is very important for ground-based solar observation.In addition,these parameters show two distinct steady stages in each year,and we call them the dry season(from November to April of next year) and wet season(from May to October).In the dry season,the monthly relative humidity,mean temperature,and average cloud amount are low,while the montly average sunshine-time and wind-speed values are relatively large.The average wind speed over a long time is still low,even though at some occasions high wind speed can influence observation.In addition,the wind direction is very stable there,so we can easily overcome the drawback of the occurrences of high wind speeds.In the wet season,the site does not fit well for solar observation due to the poor meteorological conditions.However,we do not rule out short-lasting meteorological conditions for observation in the wet season.Moreover,the site on Mt.Dashanbao is not far from the Yunnan Observatory,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Kunming,China.The convenient transportation can save a significant amount of financial resources in the installation,operation,and maintenance of telescope(s).Based on our statistical results,we conclude that Mt.Dashanbao is a potentially excellent solar observation site in the west China.In summary the site has long sunshine time,low coverage of clouds,low wind speed,steady wind direction,good seeing,nearly-fixed periodical change of the climate,and convenient transportation.
来源 天文研究与技术 ,2012,9(2):184-202 【扩展库】
关键词 天文选址 ; 气象 ; 大山包

1. 云南省昭通市昭阳区气象局, 云南, 昭通, 657000  

2. 中国科学院国家天文台/云南天文台, 云南, 昆明, 650011

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1672-7673
学科 天文学
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  国家天文台天文专项基金(西部太阳选址)资助 ;  中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目 ;  国家973计划
文献收藏号 CSCD:4543338

参考文献 共 6 共1页

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引证文献 1

1 王晶星 大理挖色凤尾箐地区夜天文气象特征的统计分析 天文研究与技术,2020,17(1):129-136
CSCD被引 0 次


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