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Parameter on Waste Incinerator Fly Ash Vitrification


文摘 通过模拟飞灰残渣的方法,研究了垃圾焚烧飞灰玻璃化技术中玻璃体的形成条件,实验发现1,350,℃下Cl和S不影响玻璃体的形成;相比于在炉内慢速冷却,熔体经空气中自然冷却更容易形成玻璃体;空气自然冷却时,高Ca组分比高Na组分更难形成玻璃体,而炉内慢速冷却时,高Na组分更难形成玻璃体;Al对玻璃体的形成具有促进和抑制的双重作用;B_2O_3可以代替SiO_2组建网络结构形成玻璃体.定义O/F,给出计算公式中各系数的经验值,得出玻璃体的形成条件为炉内慢速冷却时,O/F<3.2;空气自然冷却时O/F<3.4.利用深圳市生活垃圾焚烧飞灰与添加剂SiO_2和B_2O_3的玻璃化实验进一步验证了玻璃体的形成条件.
其他语种文摘 The vitrification parameter was investigated by cooling and solidifying the molten simulated municipal solid waste incinerator(MSWI)fly ash.The results indicated that the vitrification was unaffected by Cl and S from fly ash in melting process at 1,350,℃;the melt was more easily vitrified by air cooling than by in-furnace cooling;Ca~(2+) had more destructive effect on vitrification network structure than Na ion in the air-cooling condition,and the reverse happened in in-furnace cooling condition;Al ion played a dual role in the vitrification process;a part of B ion could replace Si ion to build the network structure as network former.O/F was defined,the empirical data of coefficient were given,and the condition for vitrification was obtained,i.e.O/F<3.2 in the case of in-furnace cooling and O/F<3.4 in the case of air cooling,which was validated by MSWI fly ash,sampled from MSWI plant in Shenzhen,vitrified with SiO_2and B_2O_3.
来源 燃烧科学与技术 ,2012,18(2):186-191 【核心库】
关键词 焚烧 ; 飞灰 ; 玻璃化 ; S ; Cl ; SiO_2

中国科学院力学研究所, 北京, 100190

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1006-8740
学科 行业污染、废物处理与综合利用
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程领域前沿项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4530347

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