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Land Use Transition and Rural Transformation Development


文摘 土地利用转型这一研究方向引入中国后,结合中国社会经济特点的相关研究篷勃开展。土地利用形态是土地利用转型研究的核心内容,在社会经济变化和革新的影响下,随着研究的不断深入,土地利用形态的概念内涵被不断拓展。本文在分析土地利用形态概念内涵的发展演变基础上,提出将其分为显性形态与隐性形态两种形式,并以此诠释了土地利用转型的概念模式,进而探讨了土地利用转型与乡村转型发展之间的关系。研究指出:耕地和农村宅基地这两种地类乃乡村发展与土地利用转型之重要源头。随后探讨了乡村转型发展与耕地和农村宅基地利用转型之间的相互作用关系。最后提出未来土地利用转型与乡村转型发展的研究方向,涉及土地利用转型与乡村转型发展的格局与地域类型、互馈作用机理与动力机制、资源与环境效应、优化调控模式和途径等方面。
其他语种文摘 Recently,related researches on land use transition combining with the characteristics of China’s socio-economic development have been carried out rapidly since the research field of land use transition was introduced to China.Land use morphology is the key content of land use transition research.However,the concept and connotation of land use morphology has been developed continuously with the in-depth research and socio-economic change and innovation.Based on the analysis of the evolvement of the concept and connotation of land use morphology,this paper argues that there are two formats for depicting land use morphology: one is dominant morphology,and the other is recessive morphology.The dominant land use morphology refers to the quantity,structure and spatial pattern of land use,and the recessive land use morphology includes the land-use features in the aspects such as quality,property rights,management mode,fixed input and productive ability.Then,a conceptualization of the models of land use transition was annotated based on the two formats of land use morphology.Land use transition refers to the changes in land use morphology of a certain region over a certain period of time driven by socio-economic change and innovation,and it usually corresponds to the transition of socio-economic development phase.Rural transformation development means the restructuring of rural socio-economic morphology and territorial spatial patterns resulted from local actors’responses and readjustments to the change,recombination and interaction of socio-economic development factors and rural-urban migration in the process of rapid urbanization and industrialization,including the changes in traditional rural industries,the employment mode,the consumption structure,and the social structure.Such transformation radically changes the urban-rural relationship and the relationship between agriculture and industry.Since farmland and rural settlement are the engines driving land use transition and rural transformation development,the interaction between rural transformation development and farmland and rural settlement transition was analyzed to understand the relationship between land use transition and rural transformation development.Finally,the future research fields concerning land use transition and rural transformation development were suggested as follows: the dynamic pattern and territorial type of land use transition and rural transformation development;the interaction and dynamical mechanism of land use transition and rural transformation development;the resources and environment effects of land use transition and rural transformation development;and the ways and countermeasures of optimizing and adjusting land use transition and rural transformation development.
来源 地理科学进展 ,2012,31(2):131-138 【核心库】
关键词 土地利用转型 ; 乡村转型发展 ; 乡村地理学

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1007-6301
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4454674

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