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"Aha!" and "Haha!":The Common and Distinct Cognitive Brain Processes Underlying Insight and Humor


聂其阳   罗劲 *  
文摘 作为人类智能的高级表现形式,顿悟和幽默存在诸多共同之处。从认知和情感组成上看,顿悟的非连续性、突发性、重构和惊讶,对应于幽默的失谐、失谐探测、失谐消解和愉悦,两者存在表征机制的重叠。神经机制的研究发现,顿悟和幽默的心理事件都伴随着400ms左右的额中央区负波(N400)以及前扣带回、顶颞叶联合区和前额叶等脑区的活动;同时顿悟和幽默在P300成分以及海马、右侧前部颞上回等脑区活动上存在差异。未来可借鉴幽默的认知和情感成份的脑成像研究范式,进一步探明顿悟过程的认知和情感组成。
其他语种文摘 As high-level forms of human intelligence,there are many things in common between insight and humor.From the prospective of cognitive and affective components,the discontinuity,suddenness,and restructuring of insight are corresponding to the incongruity,incongruity detection,and incongruity resolution of humor,overlapped representational mechanisms between insight and humor were demonstrated.From the prospective of neural mechanisms,psychological events of insight and humor were both accompanied by the ERP negativity around 400 ms in the central frontal region,and activated anterior cingulate cortex,temporoparietal junction and prefrontal cortex.There were also differences between insight and humor in the P300 component and brain activation in the hippocampus and right-hemisphere anterior superior temporal gyrus.In the future,we can learn from the brain imaging research paradigm used in the study of cognitive and affective components of humor,to further demystify cognitive and emotional processing in insight.
来源 心理科学进展 ,2012,20(2):219-227 【核心库】
关键词 顿悟 ; 幽默 ; 重构 ; 失谐 ; N400 ; 前扣带回(ACC)

中国科学院心理研究所, 中国科学院心理健康重点实验室, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1671-3710
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家973计划 ;  国家863计划 ;  国家自然科学基金面上项目 ;  中国科学院知识创新工程项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4448147

参考文献 共 48 共3页

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