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文摘 针对天然裂缝性油藏的特性,建立了描述双重孔隙介质中油水两相流体流动特性的流固耦合理论模型。该模型不仅考虑了渗透率的各向异性,而且考虑了岩石固体骨架变形的各向异性。渗流方程是依据双重孔隙的概念建立起来的,而固体骨架变形控制方程则是根据Biot的等温、线性孔隙弹性理论建立起来的。同时,给出了横向各向同性及结构各向异性、固体材料各向同性时的双重孔隙介质的应力与油水两相渗流耦合理论模型。对该模型进行了简化,并将其简化后模型与单相流的各项同性和各向异性双重孔隙介质流固耦合理论模型进行了比较。
其他语种文摘 A fully-coupled geo-mechanics and two-phase(oil-water) fluid-flow model is developed to analyze pressure transient problems in naturally fractured reservoirs(or stress-sensitive reservoirs) with deformable anisotropic formation.For fractured reservoirs,the rock is actually dual-porosity media of matrix pores and fractures,fractures are the main storage of oil.Fluid flow is modeled within the context of dual-porosity concept and based on three basic principles: mass conservation,Darcy’s law,and equation of state.While geo-mechanics is modeled following Biot’s two-phase(fluid and rock),isothermal,linear poroelastic theory,which has three basic principles: stress equilibrium,strain-displacement,and strain-stress-pressure relations.The development follows along the line of the conventional and existing porous single-phase fluid-flow modeling.The interpretation of the pore volumetric changes of the dual continua,fractures and matrix-blocks,and the associated effective stress law for anisotropic double porous media are the most difficult and critical coupling considerations.The model reduces,in the case of isotropic and anisotropic but single-phase response, to that suggested by Li et.al.and Zhao.et al.
来源 工程力学 ,2012,29(2):222-229 【核心库】
关键词 各向异性 ; 双重孔隙介质 ; 裂隙 ; 流固耦合 ; 两相流

中国科学院力学研究所, 中国科学院环境力学重点实验室, 北京, 100190

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-4750
学科 水利工程
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  国家973计划
文献收藏号 CSCD:4443346

参考文献 共 18 共1页

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引证文献 5

1 尹辉 控水转向压裂技术在高含水裂缝性油藏开发中的应用——以火烧山油田H1238井为例 新疆石油地质,2014,35(3):352-355
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2 杨勇 水驱油藏剩余油再富集成藏机理 油气地质与采收率,2015,22(4):79-86
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