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E1A, E1B double-restricted adenovirus enhances the cytotoxicity and antitumor activity of gemcitabine to renal cell carcinoma


文摘 Background Our previous studies have demonstrated potent oncolysis efficacy of the E1A, E1B double-restricted replication-competent oncolytic adenovirus AxdAdB-3 for treatment of bladder cancer. Here, we reported the feasibility and efficacy of AxdAdB-3 alone, or in combination with gemcitabine for treating renal cell carcinoma. Methods Cytopathic effects of AxdAdB-3 were evaluated in human renal cell carcinoma cell lines TOS-1, TOS-2, TOS-3, TOS-3LN, SMKT-R3, SMKT-R4 and ACHN, and in normal human renal proximal tubule epithelial cells (RPTEC). AxdAdB-3 induced down-regulation of the cell cycle was determined by flow cytometry. Combination therapies of AxdAdB-3 with gemcitabine were evaluated in vitro and in vivo on subcutaneous TOS-3LN tumors in a severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID) mouse model. Results AxdAdB-3 was potently cytopathic against the tested most renal cell carcinoma cell lines including TOS-2, TOS-3, TOS-3LN, SMKT-R3 and SMKT-R4, while normal human RPTEC were not destroyed. AxdAdB-3 effectively induced cell cycle S-phase entry. Combined therapy of AxdAdB-3 with gemcitabine demonstrated stronger antitumor effects in vitro and in vivo compared with either AxdAdB-3 or gemcitabine alone. Conclusion AxdAdB-3 alone, or in combination with gemcitabine may be a promising strategy against renal cell carcinoma.
来源 Chinese Medical Journal ,2011,124(7):1082-1087 【核心库】
DOI 10.3760/cma.j.issn.0366-6999.2011.07.024
关键词 oncolysis ; adenovirus ; gemcitabine ; renal cell carcinoma

1. Department of Urology, Zhejiang Cancer Hospital, Zhejiang, Hangzhou, 310022  

2. Department of Urology, Se-en Hospital, Japan, Japan, Tagajyo  

3. Department of Molecular Medicine, Sapporo Medical University, Japan, Japan, Sapporo  

4. Division of Urology, Chair of Surgery Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan, Japan, Sendai

语种 英文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0366-6999
学科 外科学
基金 in part by the Qianjiang Program of Zhejiang Province
文献收藏号 CSCD:4428515

参考文献 共 24 共2页

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