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Analysis on Agronomic Trait Diversity in Wheat Cultivars Registered in Qinghai Province


文摘 为充分了解青海省小麦品种农艺性状在遗传改良中的演变及其多样性变化趋势,对1957年以来审定的66个小麦品种的10个农艺性状进行考察。结果表明,株高、穗长、小穗数、有效小穗数、有效分蘖、穗下节间长、穗粒数、穗粒重、千粒重、穗叶距等10个农艺性状的平均值分别为92.82 cm、10. 94 cm、20. 62个、19. 76个、7.19个、38.88 cm、62. 70个、2.81 g、45.91 g和18.11 cm。这些农艺性状的变异系数在8.81% ~27. 50%之间,多样性指数在1.51~1. 73之间。品种表型多样性指数从20世纪70年代的1.33上升到现在的1.88,2000年以后多样性指数增加缓慢。66个品种可以聚为三个类群,分别代表青海省的低位山旱地、中位山旱地和川水地三种不同生态类型的品种特征。
其他语种文摘 In order to understand the trends of wheat breeding, and provide a reasonable proposal for wheat improvement in Qinghai province, 66 commercial cultivars, released during 1957 to 2009, were evaluated for 10 agronomic traits. The average values of plant height, ear length, spikelets per ear, effective spikelets per ear, effective tillers per plant, internode length under spike, kernels per spike, grain weight per ear, 1000-grain weight and distance of spike base to auricle of flag leaf were 92. 82 cm, 10. 94 cm, 20. 62, 19. 76, 7.19, 38.88 cm, 62. 70, 2.81 g, 45.91 g and 18.11 cm, respectively. Their variation coefficient was between 8.81% and 27. 50%, while phenotypic diversity index was from 1.51 to 1.73. Phenotypic diversity index of varieties increased from 1970s to the present, but it increased slowly after 2000, which indicated more new resources are still in need to be introduced for broadening the genetic base. The 66 cultivars could be clustered into three groups, representing three different types of dry-land ecosystem at an altitude of 2 000~2 500 m, dry-land ecosystem at an altitude of 2 400~2 700 m, and irrigated land in the valleys.
来源 麦类作物学报 ,2011,31(6):1040-1045 【核心库】
关键词 小麦 ; 农艺性状 ; 多样性指数 ; 聚类分析

中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 中国科学院高原生物进化与适应重点实验室, 青海, 西宁, 810001

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1009-1041
学科 农学(农艺学);农作物
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目 ;  中国科学院知识创新工程西部行动计划项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4362336

参考文献 共 15 共1页

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