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The Mineralogy of the Valve of the Asian Clam(Corbicula Fluminea Muller,1774)and Its Significance on the Adaptation to the Environmental Changes


周会 1   刘丛强 1   王兵 1   闫慧 1   江伟 1   龚国洪 2   赵彦龙 1   丁文慈 1  
文摘 河蚬是原产于我国和东南亚地区的一种淡水双壳类底栖动物,极强的环境适应能力使其在世界越来越多的淡水环境中成为优势动物种类,为研究生物对环境变化的适应性提供了一个范例。壳体是河蚬适应外部环境的重要器官,长期以来被认为由文石矿物组成。通过对我国黄河下游、淮河流域、长江和西江流域河蚬壳体显微结构观察和矿物成分X射线衍射分析,我们发现文石仅占壳体矿物质平均组成的95.5%,其余为方解石、蒙脱石、高岭石和伊利石等,平均含量各为1%左右。壳体棱柱层和薄片层中文石矿物的含量也存在系统差异,后者高出前者11%左右。河蚬壳体相同部位棱柱层文石含量表现出显著的区域变化特征,淮河和长江流域文石含量较高,分别达到96.1%和97.8%。而汉水和西江流域壳体中文石矿物含量较低,平均分别为 94.5%和94.2%。黄河下游和珠江流域的数据较少,但已有数据显示前者文石含量低至92.7%而后者高达 98.4%。壳体文石矿物含量的变化与区域气候变化和环境污染之间存在较好的对应关系,是河蚬适应环境变化的结果。本研究结果有助于在全球变化背景下利用生物的适应特点保护陆地水环境的生物多样性。
其他语种文摘 The Asian clam,Corbicula fluminea(Muller,1774)is a highly invasive bivalve mollusk.Native to Southeast Asia,it has successfully established as the dominant species in more and more aquatic environment around the globe,and thus serves as an epitome for learning the adaptation of the organism to the environmental changes.Being an interface in the interaction with environment,the valve of the clam,which is believed to be aragonite in mineralogy,plays an important role in the adaptation.In the present study,we analyzed the shell minerals of C.fluminea by using X-Ray diffraction method based on the understanding of microstructures.The study involves the calms collected from the lower reaches of the Yellow river and the Huaihe watershed in north China,the Yangtze and Xijiang drainage basins in south China.The results indicate that aragonite only accounts for 95.5%of the mineral composition in the shell,and the rest includes calcite,smectite,gaolingnite and illite,which averaging about 1%.The prismatic and lamellar layers of the shell are also different in the mineralogy,with the latter higher than the former by 11%.Aragonite in the 1 mm-wide ventral edge of the shell is composed primarily of the prismatic layer,showing significant regional changes.The clams in the Huaihe and Yangtze watersheds have high aragonite,averaging 96.1%and 97.8%,respectively,while those in the Hanshui and Xijiang drainage basins are relatively low,averaging about 94%.The analysis is limited for the Yellow river and Zhujiang River,yet the results available indicate that aragonite is as low as 92.7%in the former while 98.4%in the latter.The change of the shell mineralogy is a result of the adaptation of the clam to those of environment,most likely of the climate and water pollution.These results are helpful for the protection of the biodiversity in the aquatic environment that is subject to fast changes.
来源 矿物学报 ,2011,31(2):243-249 【核心库】
关键词 双壳类 ; 软体动物 ; 河蚬 ; 全球变化 ; 生物适应性 ; 生物矿物 ; 文石

1. 中国科学院地球化学研究所, 环境地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵州, 贵阳, 550002  

2. 中国科学院地球化学研究所, 矿床地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵州, 贵阳, 550002

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-4734
学科 地质学
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:4255321

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