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Spatial distribution and pollution assessment of Zn in urban soils of Yibin, Sichuan Province


郭广慧 1   张航程 2  
文摘 在对四川省宜宾市63个土壤样品Zn含量分析的基础上,运用GIS地统计模块对Zn的空间分布特征和污染状况进行了系统分析.结果表明:不同功能区土壤Zn含量从高到低依次为:工业区>交通区>商业区>居民区>风景区;工业区,交通区和商业区土壤Zn含量显著高于四川省土壤背景值(82.1 mg/kg)(p=0.000),居民区和风景区土壤Zn含量与背景值无显著性差异(p>0.05);与四川省土壤基线值(156.4 mg/kg)相比,工业区,交通区和商业区土壤Zn超标率分别为71.42%,41.67%和33.33%,其他功能区未超标.地统计分析表明,土壤Zn具有中等程度的空间相关性, Zn的空间分布受随机性因素和结构性因素的共同影响.克里格插值分析表明上江北,下江北区域土壤Zn污染严重,翠屏区和南岸区也表现出一定污染,尤以工业区,交通区和商业区Zn污染最突出
其他语种文摘 Urban soils are regarded as recipient of large amounts of heavy metals from various sources. Information on the environmental effects of different functional zones is lacking, especially in Yibin,a city with a rapidly increasing rate of development. Such information will assist in developing strategies to protect urban environment against long-term hazardous accumulation. In order to identify the concentration and spatial distribution of Zn in urban soils,63 topsoil samples of Yibin, Sichuan Province, were collected and analyzed with geo-statistics extent based on GIS.The results showed the concentration of Zn in the soils of Yibin ranged from 36.16 to 362.15 mg/kg, with the average value of 138.88 mg/kg, which is apparently higher than the background value of Sichuan Province(p=0.000). Moreover, compared with the soil baseline value of Sichuan Province,28.57% of the samples exceeded this reference. The concentrations of Zn in industrial areas, traffic areas and commercial areas were significantly higher than the background value, respectively. Using the soil-baseline concentration as a criteria,71.42%,41.67% and 33.3% of the samples in industrial areas, commercial areas and traffic areas exceeded the limit, respectively. The geo-statistical analysis showed that the spatial correlations of Zn belonged to the medium degree, indicating that the concentration of Zn in the soils was influenced by the random factor and structural factor. Spatial distribution of Zn pollution accumulative index produced by kriging showed that Zn exhibited serious pollution risk in Shangjiangbei and Xiajiangbei districts, and that soils in Cuiping and Nan'an districts were contaminated by Zn to some degree, particularly in industrial areas, commercial areas and traffic areas
来源 地理研究 ,2011,30(1):125-133 【核心库】
关键词 城市土壤 ; ; 地统计分析 ; 克里格插值 ; 宜宾市

1. 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 广州, 510640  

2. 四川省汶川县城乡规划管理局, 汶川, 623000

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-0585
学科 自然地理学
基金 四川省青年基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:4119874

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