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The Statistical Analysis of Color-Color and Color-Orbital Parameter Relations of Centaurs


李雪婧 *  
文摘 为了探究太阳系小天体Centaurs色指数和轨道参数的统计特征及其物理学意义,根据现今已知的39个Centaurs的色指数和轨道参数值,利用统计学方法,分析了 Centaurs各色指数之间、色指数与轨道参数之间的统计特征.结果显示B-V与V-R、 V-R与R-/、B-V与R-/、B-R与R-/之间均呈现强相关性;Centaurs表现出明显的红蓝双色性,分界点在B -R=1.4左右;Centaurs各色指数值均呈现正态分布特征;除B-V与轨道倾角i、V-R与轨道半长轴o存在弱关联性外,其它 Centaurs色指数与轨道参数之间均未表现出相关性
其他语种文摘 In order to research the statistical characters and physical significance of the color indexes and orbital parameters of Centaurs, we analyse the correlations of color-color and color-orbital parameter by using statistical methods according to the known color indexes of 39 Centaurs and their respective orbital parameters. We find that the correlations of B - V vs. V - R, V - R vs. R -/, B - V vs. R -I and B - R vs. R -I are all strong. Centaurs show distinct red-blue double colors. The cut-off point of B - R is about 1.4.The distributions of the color indexes of Centaurs follow normal distribution. Further more, we find that the color distribution of blue Centaurs is more concentrated than that of red ones. The aggregation of the colors of blue Centaurs may be due to the small differences in ice mantles or cometary activities. While the dispersion of the colors of red Centaurs may result from the large differences in the composition, proportion and distribution of organic vmatters on their surfaces. For the correlations between colors and orbital parameters, we find weak correlations of B - V vs.orbital inclination i and V - R vs.orbital semi-major axis a.It may indicate that Centaurs with larger i or smaller a, which means more collisions and changes in environment, tend to form blue surfaces. In contrast, Centaurs with smaller i or larger a, which means less collisions and changes in environment, tend to keep their original red surfaces. There is no evidence for other correlations between colors and orbital parameters
来源 天文学报 ,2010,51(4):384-394 【核心库】
关键词 小天体 ; Centaurs ; 天体力学 ; 方法 ; 统计

中国科学院国家天文台/云南天文台, 昆明, 650011

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0001-5245
学科 天文学
文献收藏号 CSCD:4043427

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