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OJ 287的引力波辐射研究
Study on Gravitational Wave Radiation from OJ 287


文摘 类星体OJ 287的研究已经有100多年的历史,它呈现周期性双峰爆发现象,爆发周期为12 yr,比较好地解释观测的模型是双黑洞模型,即次黑洞绕主黑洞运动,并撞击主黑洞吸积盘从而引起爆发.此模型合理地解释了OJ 287的光变曲线并正确预言了未来爆发时间,这间接证明了广义相对论进动效应以及引力波的存在.星系中心大质量黑洞是一类重要的引力波源,而精确确定了其内部组分运动学方程的星系非常少,由于双黑洞模型提供了精确的黑洞运动轨道,故可以在这个运动轨道基础上研究其引力波辐射,在已有工作基础上,采用后牛顿近似方法首次得到了引力波辐射功率和波形随时间的演化关系,根据目前引力波探测设备IPTA (International Pulsar Timing Array)的进展情况,未来十几年内对OJ 287的引力波直接探测将成为可能
其他语种文摘 Research on quasar OJ 287 has been lasted more than 100 years. It presents the phenomenon of periodic outburst with two peaks. Its period is 12 years. The better model to explain the observed phenomenon is the binary black hole model in which a black hole moves around a primary black hole. The secondary black hole crashed the main accretion disk, leading to the outbursts. Based on this model, the light curves of OJ 287 are reasonably explained and the future outbursts are correctly predicted. These indirectly prove that the precession effect of general relativity and the existence of gravitational waves. The massive black hole of binary in the center of galaxy is a very important class of gravitational wave source. However, it is still very difficult to accurately determine the kinematic equations of the internal components in galaxies. Because this model provides a precise track of the secondary black hole, the gravitational waves can be studied. Based on the existing works, it is the first time for us to deduce the temporal evolutions of radiation power and waveform of gravitational waves by using the post-Newtonian approximation method. According to the current progress of IPTA (International Pulsar Timing Array), this detection equipment is possible to directly detect gravitational waves from OJ 287 in the next few years
来源 天文学报 ,2010,51(4):348-356 【核心库】
关键词 类星体 ; 个别 ; OJ 287 ; 星系 ; 运动学和动力学 ; 引力波

中国科学院国家天文台/云南天文台, 昆明, 650011

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0001-5245
学科 天文学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4043424

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CSCD被引 0 次


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