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Influence of Emulsifier and Dispersed Phase on Viscosity of Emulsion


吴东垠 1   仝利娟 1   姚季 1   申琪 1   李海鹏 1   盛宏至 2  
文摘 采用旋转黏度计分别测量了当乳化剂和分散相的质量分数变化时,柴油-甲醇-水三相乳化液以及柴油-水二相乳化液的黏度.实验发现,乳化剂和分散相的质量分数均对乳化液黏度有影响:当乳化剂的质量分数小于4.8%时,柴油-甲醇-水三相乳化液的黏度均大于柴油-水二相乳化液的黏度;当乳化剂的质量分数大于4.8%时,若分散相质量分数小于20%,三相乳化液的黏度小于二相乳化液的黏度,若分散相质量分数大于20%,则三相乳化液的黏度大于二相乳化液的黏度,且随着分散相含量的增加,两者的黏度差也增大;就柴油-甲醇-水三相乳化液而言,即使分散相的质量分数相同,若甲醇和水的比例不同,其黏度也有差异;乳化剂含量对乳化液黏度的影响要小于分散相含量的影响
其他语种文摘 A rotating viscometer was used to measure the viscosity of the three-phase emulsion composed of diesel, methanol and water, and the two-phase emulsion composed of diesel and water, respectively. An experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of the mass fraction of the emulsifier and the dispersed phase on the emulsion viscosity. The results show that the viscosity of the three-phase emulsion is greater than that of the two-phase emulsion when the mass fraction of the emulsifier is less than 4.8%.If the mass fraction of the emulsifier is greater than 4.8%and the mass fraction of the dispersed phase is less than 20%, the viscosity of the threephase emulsion is less than that of the two-phase emulsion. However, the viscosity of the threephase emulsion is greater than that of the two-phase emulsion when the mass fraction of the dispersed phase is greater than 20%, and their difference increases with the increase in the mass fraction of the dispersed phase. For the three-phase emulsion, even if the mass fraction of the dispersed phase is same, the viscosity will vary with the different proportion of methanol to water. In addition, the influence of the emulsifier mass fraction on the emulsion viscosity is weaker than that of the dispersed phase mass fraction
来源 西安交通大学学报 ,2010,44(11):6-11 【核心库】
关键词 乳化液 ; 黏度 ; 乳化剂 ; 分散相

1. 西安交通大学能源与动力工程学院, 西安, 710049  

2. 中国科学院力学研究所, 北京, 100080

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0253-987X
学科 能源与动力工程
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4042148

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