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The evaluation system and methods designed for estimating the developing maturation of recreation belt around metropolises


李仁杰 1   杨紫英 2   孙桂平 1   郭风华 3  
文摘 基于当前城市环城游憩带研究,提出了大城市环城游憩带成熟度的概念,用于描述环城游憩带的发展阶段与状态. 建立了内部结构、区域整合、配套设施、网络空间信息4个准则层和13个指标因子的成熟度评价体系,实现环城游憩带成熟度定量评价,并将环城游憩带成熟度划分为萌芽期、发展期、近成熟期、成熟期四个阶段. 以北京市为研究区域,以距市中心10km为单元,将北京环城游憩带划分13个圈层,对每个圈层进行成熟度评价. 结果显示北京环城游憩带发展状态呈现明显的空间分异,在成熟度随距离衰减的整体趋势中存在明显波动. 40~100km圈层是北京环城游憩带发展相对活跃的区域,也将成为北京城市游憩空间发展的重点区,并趋向成熟
其他语种文摘 The article puts forward the concept of Developing Maturation of ReBAM (Recreation Belt around Metropolises) on the basis of recent ReBAM researches which have the tendency towards micro-viewpoint and its relationship with regional environment. The concept is used to describe the developing status of ReBAM in the whole or some special regions. The authors design the evaluation system and methods which include 4 standards and 13 sub-factors. The 4 standards are interior structure, region integration, supporting facilities, and information in Internet. Using the evaluation system and methods, we can realize the quantitative evaluation of ReBAM, and based on the result scores the ReBAM will be classified into 4 developing maturation statuses: embryonic stage, developing stage, approaching maturation stage, and maturation stage. The authors select Beijing city as the case, and divide the Beijing ReBAM into 13 circle-shape regions according to a 10-km distance standard from city center to the farthest edge of ReBAM. On this basis, the authors evaluate the developing maturation status of each circle-shape region using the evaluation system and methods. The evaluation result shows that the Developing Maturation of Beijing ReBAM presents evident spatial differentiation characteristic. In general, the farther it is from the city center, the lower degree of Developing Maturation in the area, but there is also evident waving in the general pattern. The 40-100-km circle-shape regions in Beijing ReBAM are the more active regions in developing, and they will become the major regions for developing in the ReBAM, and tend to maturation
来源 地理研究 ,2010,29(8):1416-1426 【核心库】
关键词 环城游憩带 ; 成熟度 ; 评价体系 ; 圈层 ; 北京

1. 河北师范大学资源与环境科学学院, 石家庄, 050016  

2. 石家庄市41中学, 石家庄, 050010  

3. 河北省科学院地理科学研究所, 石家庄, 050011

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-0585
学科 自然地理学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  河北省高校重点学科建设项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:3966563

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