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文摘 基于岩石材料的弹塑性损伤理论, 引入两个独立的损伤变量分别控制岩石的拉压行为, 通过对地震菏载作用下边坡场地响应的有限元数值模拟, 总结含裂隙的岩质边坡发生局部损伤软化、破坏的仄域的扩展、演化过程和规律.结合对某大型水电坝坝址左岸的岩质边坡在强地震动载荷作用下(百年一遇、超越概率 2%)发生破坏的数值模拟, 揭示这类边坡滑坡的机理, 并根据模拟的结果, 对整治边坡破坏提出参考依据
其他语种文摘 Based on elasto-plastic damage theory of rock materials, the failure and fracture processes of rock slopes are numerically simulated with the site response of the rock slope under strong seismic loading, includ ing the local damage evolution and the development of failure area. Two independent damage variables are introduced into the constitutive model to control the tension and compression behaviors of the rock materials. Although the characteristics of initial micro-cracks inherent in the rock materials are not considered in the constitutive model, their influence on the properties of rock materials is taken into consideration by reducing the corresponding moduli and strength. The interfacial characteristics between large cracks such as faults are considered as in the interface contact. The numerical simulation by finite element method is carried out for the failure of a practical rock slope on the left bank of a river with a large hydraulic power station under a strong seismic loading (in 100-year recurrent period and over a probability of 2%). The mechanism of landslide for such kind of fractured rock slope is analyzed. Some advices are proposed for prevention and treatment of the landslide according to the simulation results
来源 力学与实践 ,2010,32(1):24-28 【扩展库】
关键词 强地震菏载 ; 岩质边坡 ; 裂隙 ; 损伤演化

中国科学院力学研究所, 北京, 100190

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-0879
学科 建筑科学
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  国家973计划
文献收藏号 CSCD:3934764

参考文献 共 13 共1页

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CSCD被引 0 次


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