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Carbon sink or source to salt lakes in Qinghai


文摘 应用静态箱-气相色谱法和化学分析法对青海东台吉乃尔盐湖(硫酸盐型)及茶卡盐湖(氯化物型)新生盐壳、盐壳、河岸淤泥的碳通量和相应区域的盐份及水份CO_3~(-2)、HCO_3~-含量进行了测定,以探索青海盐湖在地球碳循环中的作用. 结果表明:东台吉乃尔盐湖为碳的弱汇,其碳的吸收能力为40.2g·m~(-2)·a~(-1)~ 94.5g·m~(-2)·a~(-1);茶卡盐湖为碳的弱源,其碳的释放能力为16.2g·m~(-2)·a~(-1)~110.1g·m~(-2)·a~(-1). 东台吉乃尔盐湖CO_3~(-2)、HCO_3~-含量新生盐壳分层特征差异不显著;而盐壳CO_3~(-2)、HCO_3~-含量为0~10cm显著高于30 ~40cm,其余各层差异不显著(p<0.05). 茶卡盐湖CO_3~(-2)含量东台吉乃尔盐湖新生盐壳,但与东台吉乃尔盐湖盐壳之间未达到显著性差异(p<0.05). 茶卡盐湖河流入口处水份中HCO_3~-含量显著低于该盐湖新生盐壳,而CO_3~(-2)未检测出. 研究仅是一次对青海盐湖碳平衡问题的初步探索,其碳源/汇效应受到盐湖类型、碳的吸收释放能力、盐层的发展阶段以及盐产品生产加工和去向等诸多环节的影响.
其他语种文摘 Carbon flux characteristics and the concentration of CO_3~(-2) and HCO_3~- in salt lake, Dongtaijinar(DTJ) and Caqia(CQ)in Qinghai Province, were determined with the static chamber-GC and chemical methods. The results show that in lake DTJ carbon sink is weak with the fixation between 40.2 and 94.5gC·m~(-2)·a~(-1); However, in lake CQ carbon emission is weak with the emission of 16.2gC·m~(-2)·a~(-1)~110.1gC·m~(-2)·a~(-1). The concentrations of CO_3~(-2) and HCO_3~- are significantly higher at 0-10 cm than that of 30-40 cm(p<0.05) at old salt shell and no difference exists among every 10cm depth in new salt shell for lake DTJ.The concentration of CO_3~(-2) at 0-10cm depth in new salt shell in lake CQ is distinguishably higher than that of lake DTJ(p<0. 05), whereas it shows no significant difference compared with old salt shell in DTJ.It is a primarily research for carbon balance of salt lake in Qinghai, the type of carbon pool and capacity of carbon absorbing/releasing are affected by the salt type, salt shell development stage and probably influenced by chemical procedure in factory.
来源 干旱区资源与环境 ,2010,24(8):22-26 【核心库】
关键词 盐湖 ; 碳源/汇 ; 碳通量 ; CO_3~(-2) ; HCO_3~-

中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 西宁, 810001

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1003-7578
学科 地球物理学
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目 ;  国家自然科学基金重点项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:3920517

参考文献 共 21 共2页

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