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Infrared Feature of a Satellite and Influence of Spatial Heat Flux on It


文摘 The perfect theoretical calculation models of the satellite's temperature field and infrared feature are established. First, according to the space locations of the satellite, the earth and the sun, the space heat flux that the satellite gets is calculated. Second, the surface temperature distribution of the satellite is got by solving the transient heat balance equations with the use of the Finite Element Method(FEM).And on the basis of the solved surface temperature distribution, taking the satellite as a point object, the spatial distribution of infrared radiation intensities in two IR bands is calculated. Finally, infrared radiation intensities in two IR bands of the satellite, the satellite's body and solar panels are compared. The influence on the satellite's infrared feature of the spatial heat flux is analyzed in detail. The research results have referential value on infrared detecting and recognition of spatial targets.
其他语种文摘 建立了完善的卫星温度场与红外特性的理论计算模型. 首先根据卫星、地球和太阳的位置关系, 计算了卫星接收的空间热流; 其次利用有限元法求解瞬态热平衡方程, 得到了卫星的表面温度分布; 然后在3~6μm和6~16μm波段分别计算了卫星作为点源时的红外辐射强度空间分布; 最后比较了卫星、卫星本体和卫星太阳翼在红外双波段的辐射强度, 并详细分析了空间热流对卫星红外特性的影响. 文章的研究结果对于空间目标的红外探测与识别具有参考价值.
来源 光电工程 ,2010,37(6):58-64 【核心库】
DOI 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501x.2010.06.011
关键词 earth satellite ; spatial heat flux ; heat balance equation ; surface temperature distribution ; infrared feature

1. Electronic Engineering Institute,Hefei, State Key Laboratory of Pusled Power Laser Technology, Hefei, 230037  

2. Electronic Engineering Institute, Hefei, Key Lab of Infrared and Low Temperature Plasma of Anhui Province, Hefei, 230037

语种 英文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1003-501X
学科 电子技术、通信技术;航空
基金 国家863计划
文献收藏号 CSCD:3917931

参考文献 共 10 共1页

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