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Geographic Stages of the G lobal Financial Crisis Contagion and the Inspirations for Crisis Prevention in China


文摘 金融危机已取代工业危机成为经济周期的标志。通过分析2008年金融危机, 揭示全球金融危机传导的地理层级性规律:第一层级, 金融危机在世界金融中心间的传导, 是通过信息对市场的影响而实现的, 在经济地域上具有点对点传导的特点;第二层级, 危机从金融中心向发达国家传导, 是通过金融系统对实体经济的影响而实现的, 具有点对面传导的特点;第三层级, 危机从发达国家向发展中国家传导, 是通过流向发展中国家的资本流和贸易额锐减而实现的, 具有面对面传导的特点。详细分析每一层级危机传导的机理和特点, 为中国今后金融危机防范提供启示。
其他语种文摘 The financial crisis has been taking the place of the industrial crisis to be the symbol of the economic cycle since 1980swhen the human society entered the era of knowledge economy and the era of globalization. Nowadays the assertion that financial crisishasbecome the main form of economic crises is strongly proved by the financial crisis breaking out in 2008, which has been called as a global crisis and a crisis of the century because of its vastdestructiveness and profound impacts. This paper explored an issue: how does the global financial crisis contagion happen in the geographic dimension? According to the research on the financial crisis erupting in 2008, the processofglobal financialcrisis contagion can be divided into three geographic stagesbased on the differentmechanisms and characteristics of crisis contagion among different regions of theworld. At the firststage, the financial crisiswas transmitted from New York City to othermajor financial centers in theworld with a geographically point-to-point transmission characteristic. The sub-primemortgage crisis became the direct incentive for the financial crisis. Information played a crucial role at this stage. A series of bad news about the significant losses of many huge financial institutions due to the sub-prime crisis flied fast among financial centers. It triggered the confidence crisis over the majorworld financialmarkets, which finally developed into a devastating blow to financial system. Crisis contagion at this stage has its own characteristics: fast transmission speed, violentvibration and profound impac.t The second stage that the crisiswas transmitted from the major financial centers in theworld to the developed countries is actually a process of crisis contagion from the financial sector to the real economic sector. The geographic characteristic of crisis contagion at this stage is a point-to-plane transmission process. The liquidity crisis deriving from the confidence crisis in financial system reduced the capital flow to the real economy, which made the production activity of most developed economies drop dramatically. The pessimistic anticipation of individuals and enterprises furtherweakened the demand of consumption and investmen.t The developed economies entered a vicious circle. The crisis at the second stage was self-enhanced. A the third stage, the crisis contagion from the developed countries to the developing countrieswas a result of the reduction of capital inflows to developing countries and the reduction of international trade amoun.t The crisi contagion at this stage has its own characteristics: the geographic contagion characteristic was a plane-to-plane transmission process; the speed of crisis transmission was relatively slow; crisis affected different developing countries in differentways, and economic recoverywas slow because the deep-seated problems of theworld economywere revealed at this stage. This paper analyzed the mechanism and characteristics of the global financia crisis contagion on every geographic stage, which enlightened the financial crisis contagion-proofmeasures fo China. At firs, t an early-warningmechanism for crisis should be builtup by establishing a comprehensive index system, a full-coverage information network and a immediate reactionmechanism, mostofal, l by enhancing the developmentofqualified personne;l secondly, the government should promote financialdevelopmentundermarket-orientation principle and atthe same time, should adoptappropriate regulation especially on certain importan financial areas to prevent risks; thirdly, the domestic demand should be expanded to improve the ability towithstand the future crisis by creatingmore job opportunities, extending basic social security coverage, stimulating consumer demand in the rural areas and exploring potentialmarkets; fourthly, the industrial structure should be further optimized, in order to improve the overallnational strength.
来源 地理科学 ,2010,30(2):197-203 【核心库】
关键词 金融危机传导 ; 地理层级性 ; 经济周期 ; 金融危机防范

东北师范大学城市与环境科学学院, 吉林, 长春, 130024

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-0690
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:3895549

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