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Breeding New Waxy Spring Wheat Lines in Qinghai Plateau


文摘 为了培育适合青海高原种植的春小麦糯性新品系,利用DNA分子标记技术检测了80株青春533×糯麦1号F_2代材料的Wx基因缺失情况,同时测定了不同Wx基因缺失类型F_2代材料的小麦籽粒直链淀粉含量.结果表明,在80株F_2代分离群体材料中,单缺失Wx-A1或Wx-B1或Wx-D1基因的材料分别为8份、11份、9份;同时缺失Wx-A1和Wx-D1基因的材料为10份,同时缺失Wx-B1和Wx-D1基因的材料为12份,同时缺失Wx-A1和Wx-B1基因的材料为9份;Wx-A1、Wx-B1和Wx-D1基因全部缺失的材料为8份.Wx基因的缺失数量与直链淀粉含量的高低有密切关系,缺失1个Wx基因(部分糯小麦),直链淀粉含量比对照(青春533)降低5.28%~11.35%;缺失2个Wx基因(部分糯小麦),直链淀粉含量比对照降低10.73%~19.81%;缺失3个基因(糯小麦)的直链淀粉含量为0.97%,比对照降低30.53%.高原春小麦与糯性小麦杂交的F_2代直链淀粉含量下降幅度要比前人所研究的材料下降幅度大,并且Wx-B1单缺失引起直链淀粉含量下降(11.35%)比Wx-A1和Wx-D1双缺失所引起的下降幅度要大(10.73%).
其他语种文摘 In order to breed new waxy spring wheat lines that adapt to the environment of Qinghai Plateau,80 F_2 segregation plants of Qingchun 533×Nuomai No1 were harvested, four PCR-based markers were used to detect the genotypes of these plants,amylose content determination of these progeny plants with different genotypes was also conducted. The number of plants that lacked of Wx-A1、Wx-B1、Wx-D1 were 8、11、9 respectively;10 plants lacked both Wx-A1 and Wx-D1,12 plants lacked both Wx-B1 and Wx-D1, 9 plants lacked both Wx-A1 and Wx-B1, 8 plants lacked the three Wx genes.The amylose content was 5.28%~11.35% lower than that of Qingchun 533 while one Wx gene was absent. When two Wx genes were absent in progeny plants,the amylose content was 10.73%~19.81% lower than that of Qingchun 533.The progeny plants with absence of three Wx genes had the lowest amylose content (0.97%). The results of this study were subtly different with the previous report, the decrease of amylose content was more acute when there was an absence of Wx gene (genes) in progeny plants, decrease of amylose content in progeny plants with absence of Wx-B1 was more acute than that of progeny plants with absence of Wx-A1 and Wx-D1.
来源 麦类作物学报 ,2010,30(1):34-38 【核心库】
关键词 Wx基因 ; 直链淀粉含量 ; 糯性小麦 ; 分子标记

中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 青海, 西宁, 810001

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1009-1041
学科 农学(农艺学);农作物
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目 ;  中国科学院西部之光人才培养计划
文献收藏号 CSCD:3812079

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