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System Design of the Integrating Sphere Used for on-Board Calibration of Visible-SWIR Hyperspectral Remote Sensors


文摘 星上定标系统是有效监测遥感器辐射响应性能的重要技术构成,高光谱技术和信息应用的发展对星上定标系统提出了更高的要求,包括太阳光谱的一致性、系统小型轻量化与稳定性等技术难题.提出一种较完整的技术方案,以内置卤钨灯为光源.用小型化的积分球为匀光体,采用色温校正技术调节其光谱输出,内置安装标准辐射计监视系统的稳定性.系统设计结合航天环境要求,获得了积分球辐亮度输出在太阳反射波段达到0.9倍的大气外太阳照射朗伯面的水平、出口面非均匀性为0.6%、在出射角±15°内辐亮度变化小于1.5%等满足一定工程应用要求的实验结果,系统重量、体积分别小于1.2 kg,0.002 m3,开机稳定时间小于5 min,辐射输出在约200 h内保持良好的稳定性.
其他语种文摘 On.board calibration system is an important technical component for effectively monitoring the performance of radiometric response of remote sensors,the development of hyperspectral technique and information application require more advanced on-board calibration system and more high performance index,which include challenging problems such as nonconforming to spectral distribution of solar,compact system structure and stability.This research promoted a rather full art scheme aiming at above problems,which included tow internal lamps taken as the light source,a minitype integrating sphere used as uniform body,a color temperature correction technique applied for improving the spectral distribution and a standard radiometer fixed interiorly for monitoring the stability of the system.Combining the spaceflight environment request,system design was performed and some experiment results suitable for definite engineering apllication were abtained.The output spectral radiance in visible-SWlR achieves 0.9 times of the radiance of exoatmosphere solar illuminating lambertian surface.The surface ununiformity is within 0.6%and the difference of radiance within±15°is 1.5%,and the system weight and volume are less than 1.2 kg,0.002 m~3 respectively.The bootstrap stabilizing time is 5 min and the radiation output within about 200 h keeps good stability.
来源 光学学报 ,2009,29(12):3545-3550 【核心库】
DOI 10.3788/aos20092912.3545
关键词 遥感 ; 可见至短波红外波段 ; 高光谱 ; 星上定标积分球 ; 色温校正

中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所, 安徽, 合肥, 230031

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0253-2239
学科 机械、仪表工业;自动化技术、计算机技术
文献收藏号 CSCD:3784532

参考文献 共 15 共1页

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